Supervisor: Prof. Amos TAI
Room 330, 3/F, Science Centre

2024 | Ph.D. Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
2019 | M.Sc. Physical Geography | Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences |
2014 | B.S. Environmental Science and Management | School of Environmental Science and Management, Pokhara University |
Academic Employments
2024-ongoing | Postdoctoral fellow, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong, China. |
2019-2020 | Research fellow, Kathmandu Center for Research and Education, Kathmandu, Nepal. |
2015-2016 | Teach For Nepal fellow, Fellow teacher (math) at Shree Kalika Chetana Sec. School, Nepal |
Research Fields and Current Research Interests
- Air pollutants study through ground observations, reanalysis and satellite retrieved data, and modeling studies.
- Anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions, wildfire, climate change, and land use change impacts on air quality.
- Atmospheric chemistry modeling using CESM, GCHP etc.
- Field observation and laboratory analysis of atmospheric pollutants using IC, TOC-L, EA-IRMS etc.
Honours and Awards
2022 | Best poster presentation honorable mention award, CUHK, Hong Kong, China |
2020 | Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme, Research Grant Council, Hong Kong, China |
2020 | Belt and Road Scholarship, HKSAR government Scholarship Fund, Hong Kong, China |
2020 | ES&T’s Best Paper of 2019, Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T) Journal, USA |
2016 | Full Scholarship Award, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China |
2014 | Deans’ list award, Pokhara University, Nepal |
2007 | Distinction, School Leaving Certificate, Ministry of Education and Sports, Nepal |
- Ram, K., Bhattarai, H., Cong, Z., 2020. Chemical components and distributions in aerosols in the Third Pole in book “Water Quality in the Third Pole: The Roles of Climate Change and Human Activities”, Edited by Sharma, Chhatra Mani; Kang, Shichang; Tripathee, Lekhendra, Elsevier publication, 43-67, 10.1016/b978-0-12-816489-1.00002-5.
Selected Recent Publications
- Bhattarai, H. et al., 2024. Impacts of changes in climate, land use, and emissions on global ozone air quality by mid-21st century following selected Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Sci. Total Environ., 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167759.
- Bhattarai, H. et al., 2023. Wildfire-derived nitrogenous aerosols threaten the fragile ecosystem in Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau. Environ. Sci. Technol., 10.1021/acs.est.3c01541.
- Bhattarai, H. et al., 2022. Nitrogenous and carbonaceous aerosols in PM2.5 and TSP during pre-monsoon: Characteristics and sources in the highly polluted mountain valley. J. of Environ. Sci., 15, 10-24, 10.1016/j.jes.2021.06.018.
- Bhattarai, H. et al., 2021. Concentration, sources and wet deposition of dissolved nitrogen and organic carbon in the Northern Indo-Gangetic Plain during monsoon. J. of Environ. Sci. 102, 37-52, 10.1016/j.jes.2020.09.011.
- Bhattarai, H. et al., 2019. Levoglucosan as a tracer of biomass burning: Recent progress and perspectives. Atmos. Res. 220, 20-33, 10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.01.004.
- Bhattarai, H. et al., 2019. Nitrogen speciation and isotopic composition of aerosols collected at Himalayan Forest (3326 m a.s.l.): Seasonality, sources and implications. Environ. Sci. Technol., 53, 12247-12256, 10.1021/acs.est.9b03999.
- Tripathee, L., Kang, S., Chen, P., Bhattarai, H., Guo, J., Shrestha, K.L., et al., 2021. Water-soluble organic and inorganic nitrogen in ambient aerosols over the Himalayan middle hills: Seasonality, sources, and transport pathways. Atmos. Res., 250, 105376, 10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.105376.
- Adhikari, B., Pant, R., Baral, U., Shrestha, S., Neupane, S., Khanal, B., Acharya, A., & Bhattarai, H., 2020. Geochemical and multivariate assessment of water quality in the Rajarani Lake, Dhankuta, Nepal. Journal of Nepal Geological Society, 60, 37-49. 10.3126/jngs.v60i0.31264.
- Wan, X., Kawamura, K., Ram, K., Kang, S., Loewen, M., Gao, S., Wu, G., Fu, P., Zhang, Y., Bhattarai, H., Cong, Z., 2019. Aromatic acids as biomass-burning tracers in atmospheric aerosols and ice cores: A review. Environ. Pollut., 247, 216-228, 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.01.028.
- Pokharel, M., Guang J., Liu B., Kang S., Ma Y., Holben B., Xia X., Xin J., Ram K., Wan X., Rupakheti D., Wu G., Bhattarai H., Zhao C., Cong Z., 2019. Aerosol properties over Tibetan Plateau from a decade AERONET measurements: baseline, types, and influencing factors. JGR atmos., 10.1029/2019JD031293.
- Acharya, P., Sharma, C. M., Kang, S., Tripathee, L., Guo, J., Paudyal, R., Zhang, Q., Bhattarai, H., & Sillanpää, M., 2019. Bioaccumulation of mercury in fishes of Jagadishpur Reservoir, Nepal. Nepal Journal of Environmental Science, 7, 17-23. 10.3126/njes.v7i0.34370
Edited Conference Proceedings
- Poster presentation on “Impacts of Changes in Land Use, Climate, and Emissions on Global Air Quality by 2050 following the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways.” American Geophysical Union (AGU), Chicago, USA, 12-16 Dec. 2022. link
- Poster presentation on “Impacts of changes in land use, climate, and emissions on global air quality by 2050” at iCACGP-IGAC Science Conference, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 10-15 Sept. 2022. link
- 71st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (Chemistry), Germany, 26 Jun. – 1 Jul. 2022. link
- Post Conference Programme in Baden-Wurttemberg of the 71st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, Germany, 1st Jul. – 8th Jul. 2022.
- Poster presentation on “Impacts of changes in land use, climate, and emissions on global air quality by 2050” at 27th annual CESM workshop, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), USA, 13 – 16 Jun. 2022 (online). link
- Oral and poster presentation on “Impacts of changes in land use, climate, and emissions on global air quality by 2050 following the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways.” Research Poster Exhibition 2022, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 17 May 2022. link
- Global Young Scientist Summit (GYSS), National Research Foundation, Singapore, 17-21 Jan. 2022 (online). link
- Poster presentation on “Effects of Future Land Use and Land Cover Change on Surface Ozone Air Quality Over the Mid-21st Century.” AGU, New Orleans, 13-17 Dec. 2021 (online). link
- Oral presentation on “Impacts of changes in land use, climate, and anthropogenic emissions on global air quality by the mid-21st century following the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways.” Science Faculty Postgraduate Research Day, The Chinse University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 14 Dec. 2021. link
- Oral presentation on “Nitrogen aerosols over Himalayas: Concentration, sources and implications.” Aerosol Air Quality, Climate change and Impact on Water Resources and Livelihoods in the Greater Himalayas, ARIES, Nainital, India, 14 – 16 Sept. 2020. (online). link
- Scientific Literature Review, Research Methodology and Academic Writing at Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Nepal from 24-26 Nov. 2019.
- Poster presentation and training school, “Sao Paulo School of Advanced Science (SPSAS) on Atmospheric Aerosols: Properties, Measurements, Modeling, and Effects on Climate and Health” at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil from Jul. 22-Aug. 2, 2019. link
- Poster presentation on “Nitrogenous aerosols in Tibetan Plateau: concentration, isotopic ratio and sources?” 4th Atmospheric Composition and Asian Monsoon Workshop (ACAM 2019) and 3rd ACAM training school, 24-28 Jun. 2019 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. link
- Oral Presentation on “Nitrogenous aerosols over Southeast Tibet (SET): Concentration, Sources, and Transport.” 2018 International Workshop for Young Scientists of the Hindu-Kush-Himalayas, 4-6 Nov. 2018 Beijing, China. link
- Oral presentation on “Nitrogenous aerosols over Southeast Tibet (SET): Concentration, Sources, and Transport.” Fifth Youth Geo-science Forum, 26-29 Oct. 2018 Nanjing, China.
- Oral presentation on “Characterization and source identification of nitrogenous aerosols in the Tibetan Plateau.” Summer School on Frontier and Inter Disciplinary Sciences for the Oversea Students in IC-UCAS, 2-7 Jul. 2018 Beijing, China.
- Training and workshop on “Science Journalism: Taking Benefits of Science to the People”, 29 Jun.-1st Jul. 2014, B.P. Koirala Memorial Planetarium, Observatory and Science Museum Development Board, Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Training on “Challenge of Balance: A course on policies, politics and Practices of Environmental Management in the Developing world”, 1-30 Aug. 2013, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, India. link
- Training on “Environmental Leadership”, 1-12 Dec. 2009 by Roots and Shoots, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Research Grants
- 2020-2023: Transboundary air pollution on the northern and southern side of the Himalayas: Characteristics, sources, climatic and health implications. Granted by Asia Pacific Network (APN), Co-PI