
Every year EESC send out a few qualified students to the Hong Kong Observatory for a fascinating internship opportunity to not only embark on weather and climate research, but also allow the students to experience first-hand the nature and routines of meteorological services. Both one-year and summer placements are available.



Justin CHAN

It is grateful to have a fruitful year in the Hong Kong Observatory for internship. Throughout this year, I have gained precious experience in research and learnt the operations and working routines of the HKO.

The project for my internship is to assess how people in Hong Kong are affected by heat-related health impacts by using various kinds of datasets from different departments and organizations. This aims to provide a risk-based foundation for setting up the second level of Hot Weather Services and for future study on heatwave. Through this project, I have learnt the physiology of human to adapt to hot weather, and how Hong Kong is affected by hot weather. As the analysis is carried out using statistical models, my programming skills are polished too.

During the internship, I have learnt a lot from my supervisors, especially about presentation skills and programming. The staff in the HKO are nice and supportive, and they provided brilliant ideas for the project. Also, as the pandemic is over, I can join the activities organized by the HKO such as visits to the automatic weather stations and the HKO Christmas Party. All in all, I really had an enjoyable time at this internship.


Thomas HO

I was grateful to be one of the interns at the HKO. I have learnt a lot from this one-year placement programme.

My project was to train some AI models to enhance classifications of unique features in photos. One of the critical uses of the project was to extend the current usage of flooding monitoring stations, including but not limited to Tai O and Sai Kung which are hot spots for storm surges. An alert message will be displayed if the model detects the water level reaching certain thresholds.

From this placement, not only have I learnt relevant programming skills, such as Python and Markdown, and fundamental knowledge and applications about AI models, I have also gained a lot of insights from the internal reports and models, such as understanding the components and their implication of Numerical Weather Model and the conditions of issuing warning signals. I also further understood the purposes of different sub-departments in the HKO and their instruments through various internal visits.

Aside from understanding more about programming and weather, I joined some activities organized by the HKO and had an unforgettable experience with my colleagues and other interns. I am thankful to them for helping me address different obstacles that I have encountered. At the same time, I learnt more about myself and gained further insights on interpersonal relationships.

If you would like to gain some job experience during your university years, I believe that this HKO internship programme would be one of the best choices.


Hayden LAW

During my time as a student intern at the HKO, I had the privilege of working in the Forecasting branch, where I gained first-hand experience in the daily operations of the HKO weather forecast services.

One of the key projects assigned to me was the development of an impact-based risk alert system for regional heavy rain and flooding. I evaluated its performance and worked on the applications of this system. The purpose of this system was to issue alerts to other government departments, enabling them to assess the risk of heavy rain and flooding in various regions and enhance their public services. As there were multiple instances of extreme heavy rain this year, there was high demand for smaller-scale risk alerts. Therefore, I also developed district-based risk alerts to scale down the risk alert from large regions into much smaller districts. Additionally, I evaluated the performance of the district-based risk alert. Throughout the project, I utilized multiple programming languages to fulfil tasks related to both frontend and backend development.

This valuable working experience not only allowed me to apply and refine my programming and data analysis skills but also provided me with the opportunity to broaden my horizons. I had the privilege of participating in and delivering presentations at the HKO ENMAF and HKO Technical Forum and engaging in meetings with representatives from other governmental departments. I have received consistent support throughout my internship. I would also like to express my gratitude to both the HKO and the University for providing me with such an unforgettable experience.




CHAN Ho Yuen

I am grateful for the opportunity to work as a one-year intern at the Hong Kong Observatory. This experience allowed me to apply my knowledge, such as bulk air-sea fluxes and python and MATLAB programming to analyze and tackle problems.

My task is to enhance the performance of an operational marine forecasting system. I integrated an atmospheric model, namely the Weather Research & Forecasting Model (WRF), into the existing system to investigate the impacts of storms on coastal systems. To improve tidal predictions, I also developed a high-resolution local tidal model by OSU Tidal Inversion Software (OTIS). My supervisor Dickson Lau and my other colleagues were helpful and friendly. Through their ideas, experience, and insight, I successfully finished my project smoothly.

I am delighted to participate in several field trips. For example, I visited the Airport Meteorological Office and the Three Runway System. This experience is indeed an eye-opener for me. Thank you, Gabriel Fan (who was our programme alumni and now working at the HKO), for organizing. Overall, my year at the HKO was memorable and fruitful and allowed me to be more well-equipped for my future career.

我的工作是提高一個海洋預報系統的性能。我將一個大氣模型–天氣研究與預報模型(WRF)整合到現有的系統中,以研究颱風對沿岸地區的影響。我還使用OTIS開發了一個高分辨率的本地潮汐模型以改善潮汐預測。我的導師 – 劉廸森總學術主任和其他同事都十分友好。通過他們的悉心的指導,我順利地完成了我的項目。
我也很高興參加了幾次實地考察。例如,我參觀了機場氣象所和三跑道系統,這一經歷確實讓我大開眼界。每一次旅行飛機升降時,我也會回想這次經歷。在此感謝范文熙科學主任組織這次考察活動。總體而言 ,在香港天文台的這一年是難忘的,它讓我為我未來的職業生涯做好了充分的準備。

Carmen CHENG

If you are interested in Atmospheric Science, the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) may be your dream workplace. I was truly grateful for this one-year internship placement as it gave me valuable experiences.

My project was about predicting the phase development of convective cells in satellite nowcasting. Hot weather in summer is favourable for convection. Rapidly developing convection highly affects the aviation industry. Therefore, the HKO is tasked with providing precise aviation weather forecast to ensure the safety of each aviation service unit. During my year of numerous attempts at my project, I was also invited twice to share my results in the HKO internal forum. Receiving suggestions from the senior officers, I finally built up a nowcast model with relatively high accuracy which could serve the forecasters in the future.

It was sometimes frustrating having to repeat some experiments occasionally. However, thanks to the guidance from my supervisor, assistance from my colleagues, and sharing from other interns, I improved a lot in programming and machine learning. In addition, it was my pleasure to visit the Airport Meteorological Office located at the Air Traffic Control Tower. It allowed me to understand more about aviation meteorological services. All memories were tremendously precious, motivating me to continue my meteorological studies.


Victor LAM

It has been a great honour being a one-year intern in HKO in 2022. Despite taking a pause on my university campus life, what I have learnt and experienced this year at the HKO are far beyond words. My internship project was on the enhancement of risk-based storm surge forecast. I was able to access data from the ECMWF directly and calculate the probability of storm surge exceedance in tide stations. Plotting graphs such as risk matrix and maximum tide distribution was also one of the major tasks in product enhancement. Not only did we take part in our own project, we also had the opportunities to spend time with the HKO staff in activities such as participating in the Gamma-go workshop and visiting the airport control tower. The friendly HKO staff have also helped me a lot with my programming. Many thanks to them for always being helpful during my internship. These experiences have definitely broadened my horizons.

在過去2022年的天文台實習生涯,我為校園學習生活畫上一個休止符,卻開展了多姿多彩的新一頁。這一年,我主要負責優化現行的風暴潮預報系統。在課堂學習上,我們頂多能了解到風暴潮的原理和資訊。實習過程中,我們能夠掌握到第一身的風暴潮資料,製作相對應的概率圖表,為各單位評估及預警風暴潮的風險。除了參與自身的研究項目,我們還有機會參與其他與天文台相關的活動,例如參觀機場控制塔、參與gamma-go工作坊、上天文台總部天台觀看月食等等,皆讓我們獲益良多,收穫滿滿。 常聽說的天文台工作薪高糧厚固然不假,但在這裡工作一年後感覺到的卻是濃厚的人情味。每逢遇到電腦編程的問題時,同事們總會孜孜不倦地為我指導,無論工作內外都能與職員們打成一片,樂也融融。

Paco LAM

I was grateful to be a one-year intern at the Hong Kong Observatory. I polished my coding skills and also learnt more about the structure and daily duties of the Observatory.

My project was to identify potential high-impact weather events, such as severe gusts and thunderstorms, from radar images. Since this was a brand-new internship project, there wasn’t much previous works or results from past interns for me to build up on. Therefore, I had greater degree of freedom on my research which helped me come up with some unique ideas. Whenever I struggled, I have learnt to take a step back and to look at the bigger picture. Vert often, this would allow me to find a new approach to the problem.

Thank you again for the instructions and suggestions from my mentors and colleagues at the HKO. Their guidance helped keep my product development aligned with the need of the operational forecasters. In addition, they also provided valuable insights for my career. All in all, I had a fruitful experience at the HKO this year.


Peter LAU

Working at the HKO as an intern has been a fantastic experience for me. Being responsible for researching and developing a deep learning precipitation nowcasting model, I was given a lot of freedom and time to experiment with all sorts of unique ideas, allowing me to further develop my passion in computer programming and AI research. During the placement, I was able to work with the talented and experienced individuals not only from the HKO, but also those from other top universities in Hong Kong, which opened up new opportunities for my future studies and career. Moreover, I had the rare opportunity to visit the HKO Airport Meteorological Office at the Hong Kong International Airport and took a glimpse into the day-to-day operations in aviation meteorological services, which was a truly eye-opening experience. All in all, I was very grateful for my one-year internship at the HKO.


Filson LEUNG

It was my honour to work at the HKO as a student intern. Working in the Forecasting branch, I experienced the daily operations of the HKO weather forecast services. As an enthusiast in meteorology, I felt really excited.

My project was to develop a product for an impact-based risk alert for regional heavy rain and flooding, and to also evaluate its performance. The alert would be issued to other government departments to help assess the risk of heavy rain and flooding in different regions, to further facilitate their public services. I underwent numerous case studies and systematic data analysis, to enhance the alert effectiveness. I also used a few programming languages to fulfil the tasks of webpage design and backend development.

This working experience improved my programming and data analysis skills and put my knowledge into practice. It also broadened my horizon as I was able to participate and present at the HKO Technical Forum, as well as at meetings with representatives from other governmental departments. I would like to give thanks to my supervisor and colleagues at the HKO for their guidance and help. I was grateful to both the HKO and the University for providing me with this unforgettable experience.




I felt grateful to be an intern for a year at the HKO. I gained precious research experience and learnt more about the operations of the HKO, providing a solid foundation for my career path.

During this year of internship, I was tasked with improving the Very Hot Weather Warning. The extremely high temperatures in July 2022 broke the records again and became the hottest month in history, which made the present Very Hot Weather Warning seemingly insufficient at warning the public about hot weather. Therefore, my project was to set a second criteria for the warning. By making use of data from different government departments and organizations, such as the number of calls from the Senior Citizen Home Safety Association and the number of heatstroke cases reported by the Fire Service Department, and together with my programming skills, I searched for the most suitable warning threshold. While a definite consensus was not reached, I was able to learn a lot from working with my supervisor, in terms of data analysis and figures visualization. All in all, the people at the HKO were very nice and often provided me with useful suggestions. My programming skills have also improved greatly. This has been a very fruitful and beneficial year for me.



I was very glad that the HKO has offered me the opportunity to work with their experienced colleagues. My project was about the “Gamma-Go” radiation measurement programme, with the aim to educate secondary school students about radiation and the safety measures when dealing with nuclear accidents.

It was very different from the projects of other interns as mine involved little programming, but instead more soft skills such as effective communication and time management. It was occasionally challenging for me when I first started. Fortunately, my colleagues helped me solve some of my problems and provided me with useful information and directions, and I was able to finish the tasks and to learn from some of my mistakes too.

It was also very memorable to cooperate and study with the other interns. We shared ideas to tackle the difficulties we faced in our projects. We had a lot of meaningful communication, and I also learned a lot from them such as how to improve my presentation skills.

In addition, the internship provided me with field trips that increased my understanding of the daily operations at the HKO. It was fascinating to see in person how the tools and equipment, together with a wide range of computer software, operate together. Finally, I would like to give special thanks to the HKO Scientific Officer Gabriel, who often helped with the interns and also organized an educational site visit for us to the airport meteorological office.





I am delighted to work as an intern in 2021 at the Observatory. My main duty was to work on the development of urban weather stations. Collaborating with friendly HKO mentor and colleagues, I was able to apply my knowledge of meteorology, data analysis and computer programming, acquire new skills like 3D printing and electronic engineering, and enhance my understanding on weather observation and meteorological instruments. Apart from the main duty, I have also learnt more about the Observatory’s work through involvement in various education outreach activities, the production of Cool Met Stuff, and visits to the operational automatic weather stations. Overall speaking, the year-long journey in the Observatory exposed me to a whole new world and the experience was fruitful.


Martin CHUI

I am very grateful for the chance to get involved in the Hong Kong Observatory during the one-year placement internship such that I can know more about its operation and have a deeper understanding of Earth Science. Whenever there are typhoons hitting Hong Kong, the very first thing the public is concerned about is the wind power of the typhoons instead of the potential destruction due to the storm surges. Throughout the placement, my duty mainly includes assisting the development of the forecast and risk assessment system for the storm surge. As the main purpose of this placement is to automate the overall system, the knowledge used differs largely from my undergraduate degree curriculum, which benefited me a lot. Besides, since numerous typhoons occurred in autumn and winter last year, it provided me many opportunities to test the system and the process is really unforgettable.

I am also very grateful to my mentor and colleagues at the Observatory for their guidance and help such that I can complete this placement smoothly. They also provided me with different opportunities to understand Hong Kong Observatory from different perspectives, for instance, visiting the radar and seismic stations other than those at the headquarter, which then allowed me to understand the duties for different positions. Overall, I am very thankful to Hong Kong Observatory for such a fruitful placement experience which strengthened my passion and understanding towards the Earth Sciences.



Alex HUI

Ever since I was a child, I have been interested in meteorology and curious about the industry of weather forecasting. I am therefore grateful and honoured to be able to spend a year at the Hong Kong Observatory as a student intern.

My project at the Observatory focused on the development of an impact-based and risk-based heavy rain alert system. Conventional weather hazard warnings often depend on specific objective parameters, which may not precisely reflect the impacts of the hazard. Take heavy rain as an example, existing rainstorm warning systems across the world are generally based on sets of fixed rainfall thresholds rather than the potential impacts of the rainstorm, such as flooding and landslides, and the consequent traffic congestion and even casualties, leaving a gap between the authorities and the public in terms of disaster preparedness. Hence, during my internship, my role was to develop an advanced alert system that could better communicate the risks of heavy rainfall in various regions of Hong Kong, taking into account their exposure and vulnerability to flooding.

Thanks to the guidance of my supervisor, Dr Tam, I have not only broadened my horizons in atmospheric science, but also enhanced my programming and data analysis skills. I have also been privileged to participate in the Observatory’s Technical Forum and present my research findings to other colleagues. As an Earth System Science student and a meteorological enthusiast, I am deeply grateful to the Observatory and the University for giving me this invaluable and unforgettable internship opportunity.




Cliff LAU

Working at the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) is one of the greatest achievements ever in my life. I am glad that I could have such a valuable opportunity to work there for 1 year as a student intern. Experiencing routine operations and working environments in the HKO widened my horizon. The HKO provided me with lots of resources and guidance for me to apply knowledge and practical skills I learnt in class, such as atmospheric science and using computer programming to solve problems.

Every student intern at the HKO is assigned a research project. I chose to become a student in the aviation branch since aviation has always been my field of interest. My research project mainly focused on developments of aviation weather forecast and evaluations of numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. NWP is an important element in modern weather forecast. It uses computer modelling to simulate our complicated atmosphere. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is one of the most prestigious organisations in the world developing weather forecast models. The HKO provided me actual model data for research. I could have hands-on experiences extracting the raw model data which I had never imagined. Staffs I met in the HKO are also very nice and they are willing to share everything with us from research to the academics.

All in all, the year I spent in the HKO was rewarding and unforgettable.


Martin LAU

Being an intern at HKO this year was one of the most memorable things in my life. The experience helped me gain out of school knowledge and made my faith in pursuing a meteorological career much stronger than ever. My project was to predict the diurnal variation of surface temperature in HKO by applying local tephigram into a deep-learning-based model. I remember I was doubtful about my ability at the beginning of the placement, asking myself whether I am able to complete my project well. Thankfully, through working hard and humbly asking for help from colleagues and my supervisor, I finally harvested a lot of valuable outcomes, ranging from multiple programming languages, presentation skills, and robust experience in machine learning, to meteorological knowledge relevant to my project. At the end of the year, my project bore fruit with some unexpected extra contributions. Working in HKO this year also allowed me to make new friends from different backgrounds. The people and working environment in HKO are very nice. This year in HKO is definitely a fruitful and fantastic memory, and I will never forget it.



My past year of working in HKO was one of the most fruitful experiences throughout my career. It allowed me to finally apply and integrate the different disciplines of Earth System science and put it into practice.

My project in HKO was related to the development of Ocean Modelling Forecast System (OMFS). Through coupling the ocean and wave model, we can produce a six-day forecast of the ocean weather. There are various applications from OMFS, including calculating the tropical cyclone heat potential for parameterizing the intensity of tropical cyclone, and estimating the water level related to storm surge.

The internship was not without its difficulties. With the spread of COVID-19, we were initially required to work from home. This introduced various hurdles we had to overcome during our various projects. Thankfully, our colleagues in HKO were tremendously helpful and ready to offer guidance whenever we need it.

在天文台的一年實習生涯,加深了我對這個機構的認識, 不僅是在科學的基礎為市民提供每天的天氣預報,還有海洋、天文、時間等不同範疇的服務。我所負責的工作是和海洋有關,利用海洋和波浪的模型預測未來六天的海洋氣侯資訊,包括水位、水流、溫度等。我們也能透過這些預測所得岀來的數據作分析,例如以溫度來計算颱風潛熱,以水位計算颱風接近有機會造成的風暴潮。

實習中最大的挑戰是我對海洋氣侯的認識不深, 因為我的主修的地球物理是跟地質、地震有關。透過在這一年不斷的嘗試和研究不同的學術文章,加上上司和負責同樣項目的上一任實習生悉心的指導,總算加深了對這方面的理解。這一年橫跨疫情緊張到後疫情時代,更加體會到實習機會難能可貴,希望這個系統在不久的將來能夠應用,而我也能在往後的學習實踐這一年所學到的技能。

NG Tsan Fung

Throughout a year of fruitful internship and scientific research at the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO), I now understand that the knowledge learnt in the university is only the tip of an iceberg. My task was monitoring the weather conditions near Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) by using deep learning model through weather cameras. Meteorological knowledge and computer programming skills were needed which made the project more challenging. Fortunately, the working atmosphere in HKO encourages us to learn from experts. With the guidance and support from my mentor and colleagues, I successfully constructed an automatic weather monitor system driven by artificial intelligence within one year, and the accuracy and quality of the system were further affirmed by other colleagues. In addition, during this internship and research, I was able to experience and keep pace with the current advanced technology. Last but not least, I would like to thank HKO and ESSC for giving me this valuable opportunity, which broadened my horizons in various aspects of meteorology and data science, raised my interest in scientific research and future studies after graduation, and most importantly, made friends with shared ambitions.




Bowie CHAN

Speaking of earthquakes, many Hong Kong citizens would find them very distant and unrelated to them, yet a few small-magnitude earthquakes occurred near Hong Kong throughout history. Occasionally people in Hong Kong could even feel the ground shaking for earthquakes in Taiwan. In fact, the Hong Kong Observatory has set up an earthquake monitoring system apart from the well-known atmospheric and meteorological services.

In the past, the earthquake intensities are determined based on reports from citizens collected through the Internet and phone. However, it takes time and, moreover, reports based on human sensation could be subjective. Given these problems, my project aims to determine earthquake intensities from instrumental data, which give more accurate and prompter responses. After generating and analyzing peak ground acceleration (PGA) derived from strong motion accelerometer (SMA) waveforms, I studied station characteristics and proposed an updated approach relating earthquake intensity with PGA.

The internship was a unique experience because there are seldom internship opportunities related to geophysics, especially earthquakes. I feel grateful and fortunate to be able to help developing the monitoring system. In addition to cultivating self-learning skills for programming and statistics, learning from experts and colleagues is one of the main takeaways from the program. As I was navigating through the system, I was encouraged by my supervisor to propose new ideas for improving the system. Such flexibility allowed me to try more orientations other than the assigned work. This experience was truly memorable, and it motivated me to continue geophysics-related studies.


Jonathan LAU

Not only that it is a rare opportunity, taking an internship at Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) is also an unforgettable experience for me. Working at HKO allowed me to use my meteorology knowledge and programming skills learned in ESSC classes. Besides, I also learned many knowledge of weather and climate thanks to this internship experience. The project I worked at HKO concerns the development of an algorithm forecasting the growth/decay of a storm cells, by analyzing historical radar data, so as to improve the nowcasting system of heavy rainfall. Although the COVID-19 pandemic reduced my chance to work in office and directly communicate with my boss and colleague, they still gave me lots of device and help when I encountered problem in my project, which enables me to finish my project smoothly in 2020. Overall, working in HKO benefits me a lot.


Tiffany PANG

Last summer, I was a part of the HKO summer placement programme, during the third wave of COVID-19. This is my first internship related to meteorology and participating in this has always been on my bucket list since I saw the ESSC information brochure. Thank you HKO and ESSC for providing this amazing opportunity and help us experience it through between the second and third wave of the pandemic. I have learnt so much about impact study, and applications of meteorological data in decision making. This short-term project about extreme temperature events in Hong Kong exposed me to a working environment while further improved my research skills.


Nicolas LO

I am grateful to have my 2020 filled with a valuable internship experience at the Hong Kong Observatory. Under the influence of pandemics, we all faced many difficulties in our daily lives. Luckily, I was able to spend a fruitful year at HKO. At the beginning of my placement, I was really panicking and doubting my ability. Thankfully, I was able to pick up the work gradually and made progress under the supervision of my mentor and colleagues. My main duty was to work on the development of urban automatic weather monitoring stations, which involved the design of the meteorological instruments, site assessment, data transmission, data quality control and data-sharing platform. Through different assigned tasks, I was able to comprehensively understand the establishment of a weather observation network and equip myself with professional skills, such as 3D printing technology, Arduino and programming skills, etc. One of the most remarkable moments was the designing and installation of HKO patented smart lamppost, namely Bollard. This design not only performed accurate meteorological measurement, but also blended so nicely to our community. My internship experience allowed me to meet many nice HKO staff and interns. I have learnt a lot here and grown a lot this year. Thank you HKO!


Cindy WU

I am very glad to have a one-year internship at Hong Kong Observatory. Although we need to work from home most of the time due to COVID-19, I had still learnt a lot and gained many treasurable experiences last year. My project is mainly to reduce the bias between the original model temperature forecasts and the temperature observations recorded by HKO. Moreover, I had also created a new fine-scale forecasting model to predict the diurnal maximum and minimum temperature. Apart from giving me a chance to use the knowledge I had learnt in class, I also learned a lot of statistical and programming skills from the project. I had also a great opportunity joining the workshops held by HKO, making mini automatic weather stations that can measure temperature, pressure and humidity with just a single-board computer. At the end of my internship program, I had joined the Technical Form in HKO to present my findings. All in all, my experiences in HKO is special and full of variety which enriched my university life. On the other hand, this gave me a moment to think deeply about my career path. I am much more interested in atmospheric science research after my internship in HKO and hopefully, I can have my postgraduate study in this field.
