Prof. Arthur CHENG awarded Dick Baile Exemplary Service Award from SEG Foundation

Prof. Arthur CHENG awarded Dick Baile Exemplary Service Award from SEG Foundation

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Prof. Arthur CHENG Awarded Dick Baile Exemplary Service Award


Honorary Fellow of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Adjunct Professor of the CUHK Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES), Prof. Arthur CHENG has been recognised by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) Foundation for his many years of honourable service to the Foundation and its programs, garnering him with the Dick Baile Exemplary Service Award, the highest honour of the Foundation. He has not only displayed leadership in his various capacities supporting the Foundation and its programmes, he has done so by generously devoting his time, talent, and philanthropy. This latest honour for Professor Cheng comes after many years of dedication to the SEG, and comes after having received the SEG’s Life Membership in 2013 and an Honorary Membership Award in 2021.


Professor Cheng also believes in furthering the area of earth and environmental sciences in Hong Kong, where he was born and raised, hence he has been an Adjunct Professor at EES since the then-programme’s early days. We are immensely happy that Professor Cheng has once again been recognised for his contributions, congratulations!


香港中文大學榮譽院士兼中大地球與環境科學系客座教授鄭傳漢教授因多年來對國際勘探地球物理學家學會(SEG)基金會及其多個項目的熱心服務而獲得基金會的最高殊榮:Dick Baile Exemplary Service Award。他不僅在支持基金會及其項目的不同職位上展現卓越的領導力,他更積極無私奉獻他的時間、才華和捐助。是次榮獲傑出服務獎是鄭教授繼 2013 年被授予 SEG 終身會員資格和 2021 年榮譽會員獎後,再次獲得 SEG 基金會的榮譽。


鄭教授不止對 SEG 的活動不遺餘力,他更生於斯、長於斯,希望在香港推動地球與環境科學的發展,以至他早就以客座教授的身份參與當時還是課程的中大地球與環境科學系。我們對鄭教授此次獲獎感到非常高興,並衷心祝賀鄭教授。