Dr. CHEN Zhaoliang

Dr. CHEN Zhaoliang 陳昭良

Supervisor: Prof. Alex CHOW

Room 129, 1/F, Science Centre North Block
Dr. CHEN Zhaoliang


2019 - 2022 PhD Biology The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Supervisor: Joe Shing Yip LEE)
2016 - 2018 MSc Biological Science (Marine Biology) The University of Western Australia
2012 - 2016 BSc Biological Science Ocean University of China

Academic Employments

12/2024 - Present Postdoctoral Fellow, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
08/2022 - 11/2024 Postdoctoral Fellow, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
08/2019 - 05/2022 Teaching Assistant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research Fields and Current Research Interests

  • Blue Carbon Ecosystems
  • Coasts and Estuaries
  • Antarctica
  • Microplastics
  • Biogeochemistry
  • Dissolved Organic Matters
  • Extreme Climate Events

Representative Publications

(*corresponding author, #contribute equally)
Chen, Z. L., Yi, Y*., Cai, R., Zhang, Z. , Liang, W., Fu, W., Li, P., Wang, K., Zhang, L., Dong, K., Li, S. L., Xu, S., & He, D*. Revealing the Mobilization and Age of Estuarine Dissolved Organic Matter During Floods Using Radiocarbon and Molecular Fingerprints. (2024). Water Research, 122898.
Zhang, Z. X., Zhao, C., Chen, Z. L., Zhang, Z., Yi, Y., Li, P.*, & He, D*. (2024). Optical Signatures as a Diagnostic Tool for Tracking Dynamics of Sedimentary Dissolved Organic Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur in an Anthropogenic Bay. Chemical Geology, 122508.
Chen, Z. L*., Zhang, Z. , Cai, R., Yi, Y., Liang, W., Macreadie, P. I., Sanders, C. J., Lee, S. Y., Wang, F. and He, D*. (2024). Molecular fingerprints of sedimentary dissolved organic matter in mangroves: Importance to blue carbon sequestration. Chemical Geology, 122495.
Liang, W#., Chen, X#., Chen, Z. L., Zhu, P., Huang, Z., Li, J., Wang, Y., Li, L*., & He, D*. (2024). Unraveling the impact of Spartina alterniflora invasion on greenhouse gas production and emissions in coastal saltmarshes: New insights from dissolved organic matter characteristics and surface-porewater interactions. Water Research, 262, 122120.
Chen, Z. L*., & Lee, S. Y. (2024). Carbon Dioxide Fluxes from Peri-urban Tidal Flats in South China. Estuaries and Coasts, 47(8), 2238-2252.
Chen, Z. L., Yi, Y*., Fu, W., Liang, W., Li, P., Wang, K., Zhang, L., Dong, K., Li, L., Xu, S., & He, D*. (2024). Severe flood modulates the sources and age of dissolved organic carbon in the Yangtze River Estuary. Environmental Research, 252, 119040.
Chen, Z. L., Zhang, H*., Yi, Y., He, Y., Li, P., Wang, Y., Wang, K., Yan, Z., He, C., Shi Q., & He, D*. (2024). Dissolved organic matter composition and characteristics during extreme flood events in the Yangtze River Estuary. Science of the Total Environment, 914, 169827.
Chen, Z. L., Yi, Y*., Zhang, H., Li, P., Wang, Y., Yan, Z., Wang, K., He, C., Shi Q., & He, D*. (2023). Differences in Dissolved Organic Matter Molecular Composition along Two Plume Trajectories from the Yangtze River Estuary to the East China Sea. ACS Environmental Au, 4 (1), 31-41. (Front Cover)
Chen, Z. L*., & Lee, S. Y. (2022). Sediment carbon sequestration and sources in peri-urban tidal flats and adjacent wetlands in a megacity. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 185, 114368.
Chen, Z. L*., & Lee, S. Y*. (2022). Tidal Flats as a Significant Carbon Reservoir in Global Coastal Ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 900896.
Chen, Z. L*., & Lee, S. Y. (2021). Contribution of Microplastics to Carbon Storage in Coastal Wetland Sediments. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 8 (12), 1045-1050.



(As Teaching Assistant)

Selected Recent Publications

  1. Chen, Z. L., Yi, Y*., Cai, R., Zhang, Z. , Liang, W., Fu, W., Li, P., Wang, K., Zhang, L., Dong, K., Li, S. L., Xu, S., & He, D*. Revealing the Mobilization and Age of Estuarine Dissolved Organic Matter During Floods Using Radiocarbon and Molecular Fingerprints. (2024). Water Research, 122898.
  2. Zhang, Z. X., Zhao, C., Chen, Z. L., Zhang, Z., Yi, Y., Li, P.*, & He, D*. (2024). Optical Signatures as a Diagnostic Tool for Tracking Dynamics of Sedimentary Dissolved Organic Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur in an Anthropogenic Bay. Chemical Geology, 122508.
  3. Chen, Z. L*., Zhang, Z. , Cai, R., Yi, Y., Liang, W., Macreadie, P. I., Sanders, C. J., Lee, S. Y., Wang, F. and He, D*. (2024). Molecular fingerprints of sedimentary dissolved organic matter in mangroves: Importance to blue carbon sequestration. Chemical Geology, 122495.
  4. Liang, W#., Chen, X#., Chen, Z. L., Zhu, P., Huang, Z., Li, J., Wang, Y., Li, L*., & He, D*. (2024). Unraveling the impact of Spartina alterniflora invasion on greenhouse gas production and emissions in coastal saltmarshes: New insights from dissolved organic matter characteristics and surface-porewater interactions. Water Research, 262, 122120.
  5. Chen, Z. L*., & Lee, S. Y. (2024). Carbon Dioxide Fluxes from Peri-urban Tidal Flats in South China. Estuaries and Coasts, 47(8), 2238-2252.
  6. Chen, Z. L., Yi, Y*., Fu, W., Liang, W., Li, P., Wang, K., Zhang, L., Dong, K., Li, L., Xu, S., & He, D*. (2024). Severe flood modulates the sources and age of dissolved organic carbon in the Yangtze River Estuary. Environmental Research, 252, 119040.
  7. Chen, Z. L., Zhang, H*., Yi, Y., He, Y., Li, P., Wang, Y., Wang, K., Yan, Z., He, C., Shi Q., & He, D*. (2024). Dissolved organic matter composition and characteristics during extreme flood events in the Yangtze River Estuary. Science of the Total Environment, 914, 169827.

Review Articles

Chen, Z. L*., & Lee, S. Y*. (2022). Tidal Flats as a Significant Carbon Reservoir in Global Coastal Ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 900896.

Research Grants

  • 07/2024-06/2025. Marine Ecology Enhancement Fund, “Evaluating the ecological impacts of microplastic pollution on blue carbon ecosystems in Hong Kong using molecular fingerprints” (MEEF2024011), co-PI (with Ding HE at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as PI), HK$ 712,500.
  • 05/2024-05/2026. Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macau S&T Program (Category C), “Non-targeted screening and rapid source analysis platform for organic pollutants in natural water bodies in the Greater Bay Area”, co-PI (with Ding HE at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as PI), CNY¥ 2,900,000. b
  • 07/2023-06/2024. Marine Ecology Enhancement Fund, “Assessing the ecological impacts of anthropogenic activities on the coastal wetlands in Hong Kong from the optical properties of sedimentary dissolved organic matter” (MEEF2023008), co-PI (with Ding HE at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as PI), HK$ 718,500. a

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