Prof. TAM Chi Yung Francis

Prof. TAM Chi Yung Francis 譚志勇

Associate Professor

I am a climate dynamicist with broad interests including monsoons, tropical atmosphere-ocean coupling, subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction, land-use/land surface change impacts and global warming.  I use Earth System models to study El Nino-Southern Oscillation, Indian Ocean Dipole, their predictability and climate influences, land and marine heat waves, and those run at convection-resolving resolutions for tropical cyclone, storm surge, severe rainstorm and air quality modelling/prediction for megacities.


Room 314, 3/F, Mong Man Wai Building
3943 9828
Prof. TAM Chi Yung Francis


2004 Ph.D. Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Princeton University
1996 M.Phil. Physics The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1993 B.Sc. Physics The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Academic Employments

2020 – present Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2014 – 2020 Assistant Professor, Earth System Science Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2010 – 2014 Assistant Professor, School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
2008 – 2010 Lecturer, School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
2006 – 2008 Research Scientist, APEC Climate Center, Busan, Korea
2004 – 2006 Postdoctoral Fellow, International Pacific Research Center, University of Hawaii

Honours and Awards

2003 NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship, International Pacific Research Center
2001 Best student paper, The 13th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Dynamics
2001 Princeton University Graduate School Travel Grant

Professional Activities


Committee Member of Technical Committee on Code of Practice on Wind Effects in Hong Kong
Fellow and Executive Committee Member of the Hong Kong Meteorological Society
Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group



ESSC 3200 Atmospheric Dynamics
ESSC 3300 Ocean and Climate
ESSC 4220 Tropical Meteorology
EASC 5001 Research Frontiers in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences I
EASC 5104 Advanced Topics in Atmospheric Dynamics
EASC 5220 Tropical Meteorology


ESSC 4520 Numerical Methods and Modeling in Earth System Science
EASC 5520 Numerical Methods and Modeling for Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

College Affiliation in CUHK

United College

Selected Recent Publications

  • Zhao R., C.-Y. Tam, S.M. Lee, J. Chen and P. Gao, 2024: Attributing extreme precipitation characteristics in South China Pearl River Delta region to anthropogenic influences based on pseudo global warming, Earth and Space Sciences, 
  • Hu, C., C.-Y. Tam, Z.-L. Yang and Z. Wang, 2024: Analyzing Urban Influence on Extreme Winter Precipitation through Observations and Numerical Simulation of Two South China Case Studies, Scientific Reports, 
  • Chow, T.N., C.-Y. Tam, J. Chen and C. Hu, 2023: Effects of Background Synoptic Environment in Controlling South China Sea Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Size Changes in Pseudo-Global Warming Experiments, J. Clim., 
  • Hu, C., C-.Y. Tam, C. L. Lui, K. K. W. Cheung, Y. Li, Z.-L. Yang, Y. M. Au-Yeung, C. Ren and D. Niyogi, 2023: How Does Urbanization Affect Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Extremes- Inferences from Observations and Convection-Permitting Model Experiments over the South China Greater Bay Area, J. Geophys. Res., 
  • Camargo S.J., H. Murakami, N. Bloemendaal., S. Chand, M.S Deshpande, C. Dominguez-Sarmiento, J.J. González-Alemán, T. R. Knutson, I-I Lin, I.-J. Moon, C. M. Patricola, K. A. Reed, M. Roberts, E. Scoccimarro, C.-Y. Tam, E. Wallace, L. Wu, Y. Yamada, W. Zhang and H. Zhao, 2023: Climate change and tropical cyclones: An update, Tropical Cyclone Research and Review, 
  • Hu, C., C.-Y. Tam, X. Li, K. Huang, C. Ren, K.Y. Fung and Z. Wang, 2022: Mega-city Development Impact on Hourly Extreme Rainfall Over the South China Great Bay Area Under Near-Future Climate Warming, Urban Climate, 
  • Sze, W-P., S.-C. Tang, C.-C. Cheung and C.-Y. Tam, 2022:Numerical weather prediction at 200m local resolution based on an unstructured grid global model, Earth and Space Science, 9, e2022EA002342. https://doi. org/10.1029/2022EA002342 
  • Liu, Y.L., C.-Y. Tam, H. W. Tong, K. Cheung and Z. Xu, 2022:Investigating future changes in precipitation interannual variability and extremes over Southern China, International Journal of Climatology, 
  • Cao, D., K. Xu, Q.-L. Huang, C.-Y. Tam, S. Chen. Z. He and W. Wang, 2022: Exceptionally prolonged extreme heat waves over South China in 2020 early summer: the role of Tropical Indian Ocean warming, Atmospheric Research, 
  • Chen, J., C.-Y. Tam, Z. Wang, K. Cheung, Y. Li, N.-C. Lau, and D.-S. D. Lau, 2022: Future Changes of western North Pacific landfalling tropical cyclones and their impacts on the Pearl River Delta region, J. Climate, 
  • Li. Z., C.-Y. Tam, Y. Li, N.-C. Lau, J. Chen, S.T. Chan and D.-S. D. Lau, 2022: How does air-sea wave interaction affect tropical cyclone intensity? An atmosphere–wave–ocean coupled model study based on super typhoon Mangkhut (2018), Earth and Space Science, 9, e2021EA002136 

Research Grants

  • “Attribution of extreme rainfall over Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta to anthropogenic influences based on dynamical downscaling”, General Research FundResearch Grant Council, HKSAR Government
  • “Compound floods from upstream river discharge, localized rainstorm and storm surge across the Pearl River Delta megacity region: Risks, Changes and Mechanisms”, General Research FundResearch Grant Council, HKSAR Government
  • “Understanding the influence of climate change on East Asian precipitation variability and its relationship with El Nino-Southern Oscillation”, CUHK Direct Grant.
  • “Climate change impacts on potential storm surges in Hong Kongo- A modeling study”, General Research FundResearch Grant Council, HKSAR Government
  • “Hydrological impacts of ENSO in the present and future climate”, CUHK Direct Grant.
  • “Development of a rapid assessment tool for evaluating the effectiveness of emission control policies on ozone reduction”, Environmental and Conservation Fund, Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR Government.
  • “Extreme Rainfall Events in Hong Kong- A Modeling Study on the Impacts of Climate Change and Urbanization”, Early Career SchemeResearch Grant Council, HKSAR Government

More Profile to Explore

Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. ZHANG Jiewen
MPhil (2024)
CHAN Sheung Ki Suki
MPhil (2024)
ZHANG Yiming John
PhD (2022)
HU Yukai