Prof. CHENG Chuen Hon Arthur

Prof. CHENG Chuen Hon Arthur 鄭傳漢


1978 Sc. D. Geophysics Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1973 B.Sc. (with Distinction) Engineering Physics Cornell University

Academic Employments

2012 – present Adjunct Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2014 – 2021 Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore
1983 – 1996 Principal Research Scientist, Earth Resources Laboratory, Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, MIT.

Research Fields and Current Research Interests

  • Rock Physics
  • Quantitative Reservoir Characterization
  • Acoustic Logging
  • Geomechanics
  • Urban and Near Surface Geophysics

Honours and Awards

2022 Honorary Fellow, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2021 Honorary Membership, Society of Exploration Geophysicists
2016 Society of Petroleum Engineer: SPE Formation Evaluation Award
2015 Society of Petrophysicists and Log Analysts: Distinguish Technical Achievement Award
2013 Life Membership, Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Professional Activities


Editor in Chief, Geophyscis
President, Society of Exploration Geophysicists


2004 – 2008 Visiting Committee, MIT Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
2007 – 2009 Board of Directors, SEG SEAM, 2007 – 2008: vice chair, 2009: chair
1995 – 1996 Member, Ocean Drilling Program JOIDES Downhole Measurements Panel
1994 – 1995 Member, Panel on the Review of Oil Recovery Demonstration Program of DOE, National Research Council
1997 – 1999 Member, Ocean Drilling Program JOIDES Scientific Measurements Panel


  • Paillet, F.L., and C.H. Cheng, Acoustic Waves in Boreholes, 264 p., CRC Press, Florida, 1991
  • Tang, X.M., and A.C.H. Cheng, Quantitative Acoustic Logging Methods, Elsevier, 2004

Selected Recent Publications

  1. Cheng, Arthur, Can We Ever Trust the Shear Wave Log, The Leading Edge, 278-284, 2015
  2. Too, Jun Lin, A. Cheng and P. Linga, Fracturing methane hydrate in sand, a review of current status, OTCAsia, OTC-28292, 2018
  3. Li, Yunyue Elita, Y. Du, J. Yang, A. Cheng, and X. Fang, Elastic reverse time migration using acoustic propagators, Geophysics, 83, 5, S399-S408, 2018
  4. Ma, Joseph H.Y., Y.E. Li, and A. Cheng, Dependency of flow and transport properties on aperture distributions and compression states, Geophysical Prospecting, 67 (4), 900 – 912, 2019
  5. You, Nan, Y.E. Li, and A. Cheng, Shale anisotropy model building based on deep neural networks, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125 (2), e2019JB019042. 2019JB019042, 2020

More Profile to Explore

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Prof. TAI Pui Kuen Amos
PhD (2023)
JIANG Youjie
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Miss WONG Man Nam