Prof. LAI Yuk Fo Derrick

Prof. LAI Yuk Fo Derrick 黎育科

3943 6528
Prof. LAI Yuk Fo Derrick


Ph.D. Geography McGill University
M.Phil. Geography and Resource Management The Chinese University of Hong Kong
B.Sc. Geography and Resource Management The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Academic Employments

2018-Present Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research Fields and Current Research Interests

  • Carbon Cycling in Terrestrial and Wetland Ecosystems
  • Urban Ecology and Biogeochemistry
  • Ecosystem Restoration and Management
  • Soils and the Environment
  • Sustainable Agriculture

Honours and Awards

2016 Young Researcher Award 2015, CUHK
2015 Research Excellence Award 2014-15, CUHK

Professional Activities


Review Editor, Member of the Editorial Board in Biogeoscience Section, Frontiers in Earth Science
Associate Editor, Mires and Peat
Vice-Chair (Administration), Hong Kong Geographical Association
Vice Secretary-General, The China Environment, Resources and Ecological Conservation Society
Member, World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong (WWF-HK) Mai Po Management Committee
Member, Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Geography Subject Committee, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority



GRMD1401 A World of Diversity
GRMD4203 Ecosystem Restoration and Management
UGEB2240 Natural Wonders of the World

College Affiliation in CUHK

Chung Chi College

Selected Recent Publications

  1. Comeau, L.-P., Lai, D.Y.F., Cui, J.J., & Hartill, J. (2018). Soil heterotrophic respiration assessment using minimally disturbed soil microcosm cores. MethodsX, doi:10.1016/j.mex.2018.07.014.
  2. Comeau, L.-P., Lai, D.Y.F., Cui, J.J., & Farmer, J. (2018). Separation of soil respiration: a site-specific comparison of partition methods. SOIL, 4, 141-152, doi: 10.5194/soil-4-141-2018.
  3. Yang, P., Lai, D.Y.F., Huang, J.F., Zhang, L.H., & Tong, C. (2018). Temporal variations and temperature sensitivity of ecosystem respiration in three brackish marsh communities in the Min River Estuary, southeast China. Geoderma, 327, 138-150, doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2018.05.005.
  4. Yang, P., Zhang, Y., Lai, D.Y.F., Tan, L., Jin, B., & Tong, C. (2018). Fluxes of carbon dioxide and methane across the water–atmosphere interface of aquaculture shrimp ponds in two subtropical estuaries: The effect of temperature, substrate, salinity and nitrate. Science of the Total Environment, 635, 1025-1035, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.102.
  5. Wang, W., Neogi, S., Lai, D.Y.F., Zeng, C., Wang, C., & Zeng, D. (2017). Effects of industrial and agricultural waste amendment on soil greenhouse gas production in a paddy field in southeastern China. Atmospheric Environment, 164, 239-249, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.05.052.
  6. Wang, W., Lai, D.Y.F., Wang, C., Tong, C., & Zeng, C. (2016). Effects of inorganic amendments, rice cultivars and cultivation methods on greenhouse gas emissions and rice productivity in a subtropical paddy field. Ecological Engineering, 95, 770-778, doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.07.014.
  7. Petrescu, A.M.R., Lohila, A., Tuovinen, J.-P., Baldocchi, D.D., Desai, A.R., Roulet, N.T., Vesala, T., Dolman, A.J., Oechel, W.C., Marcolla, B., Friborg, T., Rinne, J., Matthes, J.H., Merbold, L., Meijide, A., Kiely, G., Sottocornola, M., Sachs, T., Zona, D., Varlagin, A., Lai, D.Y.F., Veenendaal, E., Parmentier, F.-J.W., Skiba, U., Lund, M., Hensen, A., van Huissteden, J., Flanagan, L.B., Shurpali, N.J., Grünwald, T., Humphreys, E.R., Jackowicz-Korczynski, M., Aurela, M.A., Laurila, T., Grüning, C., Corradi, C.A.R., Schrier-Uijl, A.P., Christensen, T.R., Tamstorf, M.P., Mastepanov, M., Martikainen, P.J., Verma, S.B., Bernhofer, C., & Cescatti, A. (2015). The uncertain climate footprint of wetlands under human pressure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(15), 4594-4599, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1416267112.

Research Grants

  • 2016-2018
    Effects of Experimental Litterfall and Throughfall Manipulations    on Soil Greenhouse Gas Exchange in a Subtropical Secondary Forest
    Principal Investigator, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, 01/2016-12/2018, HK$ 706,972
  • 2015-2017
    Soil Respiration in a Subtropical Secondary Forest in Hong Kong: Temporal Variations and the Effects of Climate Change
    Principal Investigator, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, 01/2015-12/2017, HK$ 680,683
  • 2014-2017
    Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange of Greenhouse Gases in a Subtropical Mangrove Wetland in Hong Kong
    Principal Investigator, Early Career Scheme, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, 01/2014-12/2017, HK$ 1,749,000
  • 2014-2015
    A Comparison of Carbon Storage in Coastal Wetland Soils Between Hong Kong and Germany
    Principal Investigator, Germany/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme 2013/14, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong and Germany Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), 01/2014-12/2015, HK$ 89,600

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