Prof. THIBODEAU Benoit
Assistant Professor (Joint Appointment)
Rm 507B, 5/F, Mong Man Wai Building
3943 6390

2011 | Ph.D. Environmental Sciences | University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada (GEOTOP) |
2006 | M.Sc Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada (GEOTOP) |
2003 | B.Sc. Geology (spec. environment) | University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada |
Academic Employments
2021-present | Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
2015-2021 | Research Assistant Professor, The University of Hong Kong |
2013-2015 | Researcher, Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Literature, Mainz, Germany c/o Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research (GEOMAR), Kiel, Germany |
2010-2013 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Japan |
Research Fields and Current Research Interests
- Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics
- Stable Isotope Geochemistry
- Anthropogenic impacts
- Paleoceanography & paleoclimate
Representative Publications
Thibodeau, B., Allais, L*., Agusto, L. E*., So, M. W. K*., & Cannicci, S. (2023). Isotopes of amino acids give novel insights on nitrogen sources partitioning and trophic position of invertebrates in a subtropical mangrove. Ecological Indicators, 150, 110261. |
Yau, Y. Y*., Geeraert, N., Baker, D. M., & Thibodeau, B. (2022). Elucidating seasonal changes in the source of atmospheric nitrogen pollution in a heavily urbanised environment using multiple stable isotopes. Science of the total Environment, |
Doherty, J.M.*, Ling, Y.F.#, Not, C., Erler, D., Bauch, H.A., Paytan, A., & Thibodeau, B. (2021). Freshening, stratification and deep-water formation in the Nordic Seas during marine isotope stage 11. Quaternary Science Reviews, |
Doherty, J.M*., Williams, B., Kline, E., Adey, W., & Thibodeau, B. (2021). Climate-modulated nutrient conditions along the Labrador Shelf: Evidence from nitrogen isotopes in a six-hundred-year-old crustose coralline alga. Paleoceanography & Paleoclimatology, |
Geeraert, N., Archana, A., Xu, M. N., Kao, S. J., Baker, D. M & Thibodeau, B. (2021) Investigating the link between Pearl River-induced eutrophication and hypoxia in Hong Kong shallow coastal waters. Science of the Total Environment, |
Yau, Y. Y., Baker, D. M., & Thibodeau, B (2020). Quantifying the impact of anthropogenic atmospheric nitrogen deposition on the generation of hypoxia under future emission scenarios in Chinese coastal waters. Environmental Science & Technology, |
Thibodeau, B Not, C., Zhu, J., Schmittner, A., Noone, D., Tabor, C., et al. (2018). Last Century Warming Over the Canadian Atlantic Shelves Linked to Weak Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(22), 12,376-12,385. |
Yau, Y. Y., Thibodeau, B., & Not, C. (2018). Impact of cutting meat intake on hidden greenhouse gas emissions in an import-reliant city. Environmental Research Letters, 13(6). |
Thibodeau, B., Bauch, D., & Voss, M. (2017). Nitrogen dynamic in Eurasian coastal Arctic ecosystem: Insight from nitrogen isotope. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 31(5), 836–849. |
Thibodeau, B., Bauch, H. A., & Pedersen, T. F. (2017). Stratification-induced variations in nutrient utilization in the Polar North Atlantic during past interglacials. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 457, 127–135. |
Professional Activities
Scientific advisor, Seneca Impact Advisors |
Advisory Board, Meo Air Analytic Ltd |
Associate Editor | Frontiers in Marine Sciences | Marine Biogeochemistry | FEB 2018 – APR 2020 |
Review Editor | Frontiers in Marine Sciences | Marine Biogeochemistry | JUN 2015 - FEB 2018 |
Environmental Health (ENSC 4250) Biogeochemistry (EESC 3330) Oceanography (EESC 3300) Field Study in Environmental Sciences (ENSC 4907) Student-oriented Teaching and Seminar (GENA1113) Biotechnology for Environment and Sustainability (MBTE 3550&3558) |
Exploring Earth and Environmental Sciences (EESC1001) |
Short Courses
Short Postgraduate Course in Stable Isotope Ecology, HKU, 2019 |
College Affiliation in CUHK
New Asia
Selected Recent Publications
- Jöst*, A.B., Huang, H.H.M., Bauch, H.A., Thibodeau, B., Helmke, J.P., Cronin, T.M., Yasuhara, M. (2024). Testing the deep-sea glacial disturbance hypothesis as a cause of low, present-day Norwegian Sea diversity and resulting steep latitudinal diversity gradient, using fossil records. Global Ecology and Biogeography,
- Allais*, L., Thibodeau, B., Khan, N.S., Crowe, S.A., Cannicci, S., Not, C. (2024). Salinity, mineralogy, porosity, and hydrodynamics as drivers of carbon burial in urban mangroves from a megacity. Science of the Total Environment,
- Cybulski, J.D*., Duprey, N.N., Thibodeau, B., Yashuara, M., Geeraert, N., Leonard, N., Vonhof, H.B., Martinez-Garcia, A. & Baker., D.M. (2023). Coral carbonate-bound isotopes reveal monsoonal influence on nitrogen sources in Southeastern China’s Greater Bay Area from the mid-Holocene until the Anthropocene. Marine Pollution Bulletin,
- Agusto*, L. E., Qin, G., Thibodeau, B., Tang, J., Zhang, J., Zhou, J., Wu, J., Zhang, L., Thapa, P., Wang, F., & Cannicci, S. (2022). Fiddling with the blue carbon: Fiddler crab burrows enhance CO2 and CH4 efflux in saltmarsh. Ecological Indicators, 144, 109538.
Research Grants
- 2024-2029, RGC AoE, Study of the Regional Earth System for Sustainable Development under Climate Change in the Greater Bay Area, 87,147,000HKD
- 2023-2024, CORE, Nitrogen fixation in nitrogen rich waters of a coastal urban environment, 300,000 HKD
- 2022-2024, ECF, Establishing ecological redundancy baseline for Hong Kong mangroves, 1,302,050 HKD
- 2021-2024, RGC GRF, Reconstruction of the western North Atlantic intermediate water temperature over the last 7,000 years, 666,512 HKD
- 2021-2024, RGC CRF, SIRMS 2.0: Establishing Asia’s premier stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry laboratory in Hong Kong, 7,604,007HKD
- 2019-2022, RGC GRF, Developing a high-resolution record of nitrogen isotopes in the sub-polar and polar North Atlantic during two key interglacial periods, 505,298HKD
- 2018-2019, Airport Authority Marine Ecology & Fisheries Enhancement Fund, Unravelling the strength behind the ecosystem resilience of Tung Chung mangrove: A high-resolution mapping of its food web, 615,620 HKD
- 2014-2016, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Individual Research Grant, Unravelling the importance of the Laptev Sea system in the Arctic biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen, 45,600 €