Dr. LI Kwan Kit Ronald

Dr. LI Kwan Kit Ronald 李鈞傑

Assistant Lecturer

Room 342, 3/F, Science Centre North Block
3943 9324
Dr. LI Kwan Kit Ronald


2019 D.Phil. Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics University of Oxford, UK
2013 M.Phys. University of Oxford, UK

Academic Employments

Sep 2021 - Present Assistant Lecturer, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong
2019 - 2021 Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability, Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Research Fields and Current Research Interests

  • Atmospheric dynamics
  • Seasonal predictions in models
  • Mid-latitude Silk Road pattern
  • El Niño-Southern Oscillation diversity
  • South China Sea summer monsoon
  • Southeast China extreme rainfall


Related Press Interviews:

  1. “Can China balance climate and energy concerns as it endures more extreme weather?”, SCMP, 4 August 2024, Link .
  2. “百萬金鯧逃走後”(熱帶氣旋對漁業的影響), 鳳凰衛視, 23 August 2022, Link .

Representative Publications

Cheung KH, Wong MN, Li RKK, Tam CY, Scaife A, Dunstone N. (Pending submission) The Risk and Dynamics of Unprecedented Summer Monsoon Rainfall Over Southeast China Under the Current Climate.
Yuan T, Tai APK, Mao J, TAM OHF, Li RKK, Wu J, Li S. (2023) Effects of Different Irrigation Methods on Regional Climate in North China Plain: A Modeling Study. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109728
Li RKK, Tam CY, Lau NC, Sohn SJ, Ahn JB, O'Reilly C. (2021) Forcing Mechanism of the Silk Road Pattern and the Sensitivity of Rossby-wave Source Hotspots to Mean-state Winds. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.4039
Li RKK, Tam CY, Lau NC. (2021) Effects of ENSO Diversity and Cold Tongue Bias on Seasonal Prediction of South China Late Spring Rainfall. Climate Dynamics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-021-05732-w
Li RKK, Tam CY, Lau NC, Sohn SJ, Ahn JB. (2020) Potential predictability of the Silk Road Pattern and the Role of SST as Inferred from Seasonal Hindcast Experiments of a Coupled Climate Model. Journal of Climate. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0235.1
Li RKK, Woollings T, O'Reilly C, Scaife AA. (2020) Effect of the North Pacific Tropospheric Waveguide on the Fidelity of Model El Niño Teleconnections. Journal of Climate. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0156.1
Li RKK, Woollings T, O'Reilly C, Scaife AA. (2020) Tropical Atmospheric Drivers of Wintertime European Precipitation Events. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.3708

Professional Activities


Fellow of the Hong Kong Meteorological Society


Journal reviewer for Journal of Climate, Nature Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Earth Science (Atmospheric Science section), Weather and Climate Dynamics.



EESC1009 Elementary Earth and Environmental Sciences Practical Study (with Dr. Zhang Li and Dr. Tammy Tam)
EESC2020 Climate System Dynamics (with Prof. Amos Tai)
EESC3300 Oceanography (with Prof. Yen Joe Tan and Prof. Benoit Thibodeau)
EESC3600 Ecosystems and Climate (with Prof. Amos Tai)
EESC4210 Land-Atmosphere Interactions and Boundary-Layer Meteorology (with Dr. Andie Au-Yeung)
EESC4250 General Circulation and Climate Models (with Prof. Francis Tam)
EESC4270 Cloud Dynamics (with Prof. Wing Mo Leung)
EESC4601 Project-Based Learning (with Prof. Alex Chow, Dr. Zhang Li and Dr. Tammy Tam)
EESC4810/4820 Final Year Projects


EESC4260 Urban Climatology (Guest lecture)
GRMD2221 Weather and Climate

Short Courses

CUSA1017 Weather and Climate (with Dr. Andie Au-Yeung)
STAR2050 Seminars (Mentor for Year 1 and 2 EESC students in STARS)
UGFN1001 In Dialogue with Nature (Coordinating the Atmospheric Science Workshop with Dr. Edwin Lo)

College Affiliation in CUHK

Shaw College

Selected Recent Publications

  1. Yuan T, Tai APK, Mao J, TAM OHF, Li RKK, Wu J, Li S. (2023) Effects of Different Irrigation Methods on Regional Climate in North China Plain: A Modeling Study. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109728

Research Grants

  • Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (with Prof. Alex Chow, Dr. Zhang Li and Dr. Tammy Tam, 2024): “Understanding Natural and Environmental Hazards: From Peer Reviewed EESC Publications to Digital Animated Videos in Social Media”.

More Profile to Explore

Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. XIE Jingchun
PhD (2022)
WANG Peifeng
PhD (2024)
MO Xiaohan
Adjunct Professor
Prof. CHAN Chung Leung Johnny