Dr. TAM Pui Yuk Tammy 譚佩玉
Senior Lecturer
Room 340, 3/F, Science Centre North Block
3943 3795

2013 | Ph.D Department of Earth Sciences | The University of Hong Kong |
2008 | B.Sc Department of Earth Sciences | The University of Hong Kong |
Academic Employments
2023 – present | Senior Lecturer, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, CUHK |
2020-present | Part-time Lecturer, Master of Science in the field of Applied Geoscience, Department of Earth Sciences, HKU |
2018 - present | Course Instructor, Service Learning (Non-local), Chung Chi College, CUHK |
2016-2023 | Lecturer, Earth and Environmental Sciences Programme, Faculty of Science, CUHK |
2018 | General Education Lecturer, CUHK |
2015-2016 | Assistant Lecturer, Department of Earth Sciences, HKU |
2013-2015 | Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Earth Sciences, HKU |
2012-2015 | Course instructor, Department of Earth Sciences, HKU |
2013-2014 | Part-time lecturer, Department of Earth System Sciences, CUHK |
2012-2013 | Research assistant, Department of Earth Sciences, HKU |
2008-2012 | Teaching Assistant, Department of Earth Sciences, HKU |
Research Fields and Current Research Interests
- Metamorphic Petrology,
- Geochronology,
- Cenozoic (K-E) red-bed succession in Guangdong Province of Southeast China and paleoenvironment
Representative Publications
2011 | Tam P.Y., Zhao G.C., Liu F.L., Zhou X.W., Sun M., Li S.Z., 2011. Timing of metamorphism in the Paleoproterozoic Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt: New SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating of granulites, gneisses and marbles of the Jiaobei massif in the North China Craton. Gondwana Research 19, 150-162. |
2012 | Tam, P.Y., Zhao, G.C., Zhou, X.W., Sun, M., Guo, J.H., Li, S.Z., Yin, C.Q., Wu, M.L., He, Y.H., 2012. Metamorphic P-T path and implications of high-pressure pelitic granulites from the Jiaobei massif in the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt, North China Craton. Gondwana Research 22, 104-117. |
2012 | Tam, P.Y., Zhao, G.C., Sun, M., Li, S.Z., Yoshiyuki, I., Ma, G.S.K., Yin, C.Q., He, Y.H., Wu, M.L., 2012. Metamorphic P-T path and tectonic implications of medium-pressure pelitic granulites from the Jiaobei massif in the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt, North China Craton. Precambrian Research 220-221, 177-191. |
2012 | Tam, P.Y., Zhao, G.C., Sun, M., Li, S.Z., Wu, M.L., Yin, C.Q., 2012. Petrology and metamorphic P-T path of high-pressure mafic granulites from the Jiaobei massif in the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt, North China Craton. Lithos 155, 94-109. |
Honours and Awards
2017 | Exemplary Teaching Award 2017 (Faculty of Science, CUHK), 2017 |
2024 | Exemplary Teaching Award in Service-Learning 2023-2024, (Chung Chi College, CUHK), 2024 |
Professional Activities
since Sept 2023 | Acting Chairperson, Geological Society of Hong Kong |
since 2022 | Vice Chairperson, Geological Society of Hong Kong |
since 2022 | Committee, Discussion Group in Geoscience Education, Geological Society of London, Hong Kong Regional Group |
since 2021 | Facilitator, Focus Group 1 - Education & Community Awareness, Geological Society of London, Hong Kong Regional Group |
since 2021 | Committee, Geological Society of London, Hong Kong Regional Group |
2020-2022 | Representative of ESSC in the Discussion Panel with Young Fellow Group, Geological Society of London, Hong Kong Regional Group, 2020-22 |
2022 | Organizing Committee, the 40th Anniversary Ceremony of the Geological Society of Hong Kong, Jun-Aug 2022 |
2023 | Organizing Committee, the Annual Dinner of the Geological Society of London Hong Kong Regional Group, 2023 |
ESSC/EESC 2010 Solid Earth Dynamics ESSC/EESC 2130 Fundamental Geoscience Fieldwork ESSC/EESC 3100 Structural Geology ESSC/EESC 3110 Geoscience Field Course ESSC/EESC 3900 Internship ESSC/EESC 4120 & EASC 5120 Petrology ESSC/EESC 4130 & EASC 5130 Geomorphology ESSC/EESC 4602 Selected Topics in Earth System Science (Since 2021 summer) ESSC/EESC 4810 Senior Project I & ESSC/EESC 4820 Senior Project II (Final Year Projects) GECC3230 Service Learning Programme in the fields of Orphans in Nepal, 清潔工, Hong Kong Ethic Minority, 執荒者 & Taitung sustainable development |
ESSC1000 Exploring The Earth System (2018-2022) ESSC/EESC 1001 & UGEB 1870 Exploring Earth and Environmental Sciences (2022-2024) ESSC2110 Geoscience Field Study (2016-17) ESSC2120 Integrated Geoscience Field Study (2017-2019) ESSC4160 Marine Geology and Geophysics (2016-17) GECC1130 Idea of University, Sept 2023 Assisting 2 new courses ESSC4030 (Engineering Geology) and ESSC 4040 (Rock Mechanics and Its Application) by preparing the teaching materials, discussing course syllabus and design. (2021-2024) |
Short Courses
Sept. 2019-Present: Geoscience Ambassador Training Scheme Jan. 2024 “UK-HK Volcano-climate Geoscience Workshop” short course Sept. 2023 Guest Speaker, GECC1130 Idea of University Jan 2024 An invited Guest Speaker of an educational geological programme 全港中學地質大搜查 Feb 2023- An invited Guest Speaker of an educational geological programme 全港中學地質大搜查 Sept 2022 delivered the Earth's Secret Minerals (Geoscience Outreach Programme - Educational Workshop) Jun 2021 Guided a group of artists from a local magazine SAMPLE to a field study and explore to nature and the sustainable development. May 2020 Delivering a public lecture in Science Faculty Programme “ZOOM into Science Online Lectures Aug 2019 STEM Training Programme Mar 2019 Popular Science Talk Series “Zoom in to the Rocks” Oct 2018 Guiding a geological field study at Sai Kung for Friends of Archaeology 2017 – 2019 Popular Science Talks for secondary schools and Hong Kong Science Museum Jan-July 2017 SciPOP Contest 2017 (organised by Hong Kong Science Museum) 2010-2013 Facilitator in the EDB year-long gifted education programs 2011-2012 Geo-tour guide and tutor to teach students from local and overseas schools and general public about HK geology, and supervision on Enrichment Program for small-grouped gifted school students |
College Affiliation in CUHK
Aug 2023-present: Service Learning Center Associate Director
Feb 2019-present: Course coordinator of GECC3230 Service-Learning Programme
June 2018-present: Student Hostel Committee
Sept. 2019-present: Science and Technology Committee
Sept 2023: Guest Speaker, GECC1130 Idea of University
Jan. 2017-Jun. 2019: Members of Non-resident Hall Committee
Sept.-Dec. 2018: General Education Lecturer of GECC1131 STOT
Selected Recent Publications
- Wong, L. N. Y., Lai, V. S. K., Tam, T. P. Y., 2018. Joint Spacing Distribution of granites in Hong Kong. Engineering Geology (245), pp.120-129.
- Ng, S. W. P., Whitehouse, M. J., Tam, T. P. Y., Jayasingha, P., Wong, J. P. M., Denyszyn, S. W., Yiu, J. S. Y., Chang, S. C., 2017. Ca. 820–640 Ma SIMS U-Pb age signal in the peripheral Vijayan Complex, Sri Lanka: Identifying magmatic pulses in the assembly of Gondwana. Precambrian Research 294, 244-256.
- Wu, M.L., Zhao, G.C., Sun, M., Bao, Z., Tam, P.Y., He, Y.H., 2013. Tectonic affinity and reworking of the Archaean Jiaodong Terrane in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton: evidence from LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon ages. Geological Magazine, 151(2), 365-371.
- Wu, M., Zhao, G.C., Sun, M., Li, S., Bao, Z., Tam, P.Y., Eizenhöefer, P.R., He, Y., 2014. Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes of major lithologies from the Jiaodong Terrane: Implications for the crustal evolution of the Eastern Block of the North China Craton. Lithos (190-191), 71-84.
- Li, S.Z., Zhao, G.C., Santosh, M., Liu, X., Dai, L.M., Suo, Y.H., Tam, P.Y., Song, M.C., Wang, P.C., 2012. Paleoproterozoic structural evolution of the southern segment of the Jiao-Li Ji Belt, North China Craton. Precambrian Research 200-203, 59-73.
- Wu, M.L., Zhao, G.C., Sun, M., Yin, C.Q., Li, S.Z., Tam, P.Y., 2011. Petrology and P-T path of the Yishui mafic granulites: Implications for tectonothermal evolution of the Western Shandong Complex in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton. Precambrian Research 222-223, 312-324.
- Wu, K.K., Zhao, G.C., Sun, M., Yin, C.Q., He, Y.H., Tam, P.Y., 2012. Metamorphism of the Northern Liaoning Complex: Implications for the tectonic evolution of Neoarchean basement of the Eastern Block, North China Craton. Geoscience Frontiers 4(3), 305-320.
Review Articles
- Reviewer, Precambrian Research, Hong Kong with the paper entitled “Discovery of granulite-facies metamorphic rocks in the Ji’an area, northeastern Jiao–Liao–Ji Belt, North China Craton: metamorphic P–T evolution and geological implications”, Apr-Aug 2017
- Reviewer, Asian Earth Science, Hong Kong with the paper entitled “Early Cretaceous mafic dykes and adakitic volcanic rocks in Western Shandong, North China Craton: Implications for local delamination and Paleo-Pacific slab rollback”, May-Aug 2017
Edited Conference Proceedings
- Tam P. Y., 2023. Application of Augmented Reality (AR) technology in understanding and utilisation of natural minerals. CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2023.
- Tam P. Y., 2022a. Enhancement of Science Student’s Experiential Learning via Peer Network and Community Projects. CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2022.
- Tam P. Y., 2022b. Incorporating Virtual Learning with Intense Field-Base and Laboratory Study. CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2022.
- Tam P. Y., Kwok C. F. E., Chu S. Y., Wong T. S. D., 2020. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Application in Classroom Teaching and Field Study. Poster presentation, EXPO2019/2020.
- Hou,W & Tam, P. Y., 2018. First Year’s Practice and Outcomes of the Peer Mentoring Scheme in Earth System Science Programme. Expo 2017.
- Tam, P. Y. & Hou W., 2017. E-learning approach of Earth’s System Science. Expo 2017.
- Hou W. & Tam. P. Y., 2017. Using YouTube Analytics to enhance the video teaching effectiveness – a case study of ESSC educational videos. Expo 2017.
- Tam, P.Y., Zhao G.C., Zhou X.W., Sun, M., Guo, J.H., Li, S.Z., Yin, C.Q., Wu, M.L., He, Y.H., 2011. Metamorphic P-T path and implications of high-pressure pelitic graulites from the Jiaobei massif in the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt, North China Craton. Oral presentation at 2011 National Geology Meeting, Xi’an.
- Tam, P.Y., Zhao G.C., Liu F.L., Zhou X.W., Sun M., Li S.Z., 2010. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages of high-pressure mafic and politic granulites and associated rocks in the Jiaobei massif: Constraints on the metamorphic ages of the Paleoproterozoic Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt in the North China Craton. Poster presentation at The Meeting of the Americas, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, 8-13 August.
- Tam, P.Y., Zhao G.C., Liu F.L., Zhou X.W., Guo, J.H., 2009. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages of high-pressure mafic and pelitic granulites and associated rocks from the Jingshan Group in the Jiaodong area. Oral presentation at 2009 National Geology Meeting, Changchun.
- Tam, P.Y., Zhao, G.C., 2008. Tectonic models of the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt: a review. Oral Presentation at Annual National Symposium on Petrology and Geodynamics, Guiyang, China.
- Wong, T.F., Liu, L., Tam, P. Y., Yang, H., 2017. Earth Science in CUHK: Curriculum Development and Research In The First Five Years. 35th Anniversary Conference of GSHK.
- Wu, M.L., Zhao, G.C., Sun, M., Yin, C.Q., Li, S.Z., Tam, P.Y., Bao, Z., 2012. Zircon ages, HF Isotopesa nd PT path of the Yishui Complex: implications for the crust growth and tectonic thermal evolution of the Eastern Block of the North China Craton. Geological Society of America with Programs 44(7).
Research Grants
- 2024-2026 Co-I of Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF) 2023/24 entitled “Understanding Natural Hazards: From Peer Reviewed Publications to Digital Animated Videos in Social Media”, KPF24SCC28, HK$395,000.00
- 2016-2018 Co-I of Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research (2016-2018) for the project “Joint spacing distribution of granites in Hong Kong”
- 2015-2016 Co-I of Hung Hing Ying Physical Sciences Research Fund (2015-2016) for the project “The age, origin and tectonic history of the Vijayan Complex, Sri Lanka”