HO Chung Yan Joanne 何頌欣
MPhil in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2022)
Advisor: Prof. TAN Yen Joe
Room 309, 3/F, Mong Man Wai Building

2017 | M.Sc. Petroleum Geoscience | Imperial College London |
2016 | B.Sc. Environmental Geology | University of Birmingham |
Research Fields and Current Research Interests
- Landslide seismology and monitoring
- Geo-hazard near-real-time early warning systems
Selected Recent Publications
- H. Eichstaedt, C. Y. J. Ho, A. Kutzke & R. Kahnt (2022) Performance measurements of machine learning and different neural network designs for prediction of geochemical properties based on hyperspectral core scans, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 69:5, 733-741, DOI: 10.1080/08120099.2022.2017344
Edited Conference Proceedings
AGU Fall 2023, Analysing dynamics of the 2000 Yigong Landslide using seismic observations