LEI Guoyang

LEI Guoyang 雷果洋

PhD in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences(2023)
Advisor: Prof. CHAN Man Nin

LEI Guoyang


BSc. Environmental Science Minzu University of China
BSc (Hons) Environmental Science with Environmental Management University College Cork

Research Fields and Current Research Interests

  • Atmospheric chemistry

Selected Recent Publications

Yang, J.*, Lei, G.*, Zhu, J., Wu, Y., Liu, C., Hu, K., … & Jin, J. (2024). Particulate-bound alkyl nitrate pollution and formation mechanisms in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24(1), 123-136. 

More Profile to Explore

Junior Research Assistant
Mr. GUPTA Ashwin Rajesh
Professor (by Courtesy)
Prof. LAM Hon Ming
Chairman / Professor
Prof. CHOW Tat Shing Alex
Postdoctoral Fellow