Miss LAI Chi Wing Eugenia

Miss LAI Chi Wing Eugenia 黎子穎

Supervisor: Dr. Tammy TAM

Room 325, Science Centre North Block
3943 9326
Miss LAI Chi Wing Eugenia


2021 M.Sc. Environment, Politics and Society University College London
2019 B.S. Earth System Science The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Academic Employments

2023 - Present Research Assistant, Earth and Environmental Science Programme, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
2019 Teaching Assistant, Earth System Science Programme, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research Fields and Current Research Interests

  • Structural Geology
  • Petrology
  • Geomorphology



ESSC4120 Petrology
ESSC4040 Rock Mechanics
EESC1001 Exploring Earth and Environmental Sciences


ESSC3110 Geoscience Field Course

More Profile to Explore

MPhil (2024)
CHOI Chi Keng Savio Vincent
Adjunct Professor
Prof. LEE Shing Yip Joe
Project Coordinator
Ms. LAU Hei Tung Joanne
Chairman / Professor
Prof. CHOW Tat Shing Alex