Prof. CHOW Tat Shing Alex

Prof. CHOW Tat Shing Alex 周達誠

Chairman & Professor

Room 313, 3/F, Mong Man Wai Building
3943 5433
Prof. CHOW Tat Shing Alex


Ph.D. Hydrologic Science University of California, Davis
M.Sc. Hydrologic Science University of California, Davis
B.Sc. Chemistry with minor in Chemical Engineering University of California, Berkeley

Academic Employments

2023 – present Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2020 – 2023 Professor, Clemson University, South Carolina, USA
2015 – 2020 Associate Professor, Clemson University, South Carolina, USA
2009 – 2015 Assistant Professor, Clemson University, South Carolina, USA
2006 – 2008 Associate Professor, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
2004 - 2006 Lecturer, San Francisco State University, CA, USA

Research Fields and Current Research Interests

  • Megacity Biogeochemistry
  • Source Water Quality and Drinking Water Treatability
  • Biogeochemical Cycles and Ecosystem Services

Representative Publications

Chen H, Uzun H, Tolić N, Chu R, Karanfil T, Chow AT (2023) Molecular transformation of dissolved organic matter during the processes of wildfire, alum coagulation, and disinfection Using ESI (−) and ESI (+) FT-ICR MS. ACS ES&T Water 3(8): 2571-2580.
Chen H, Rucker AM, Liu Y, Miller D, Dai J, Wang JJ, Suhre DO, Conner WH, Campbell BJ, Rhew RC, and Chow AT (2023) Unique biogeochemical characteristics in coastal ghost forest – The transition from freshwater forested wetland too salt marsh under the influences of sea level rise. Soil & Environmental Health 1: 100005.
Wang JJ, Dahlgren RA, Ersan M, Karanfil T, Chow AT (2015) Wildfire altering terrestrial precursors of disinfection byproducts in forest detritus. Environmental Science & Technology 49: 5921-5929.
Chow AT, Dahlgren RA, and Harrison JH (2007) Watershed sources of disinfection byproduct precursors in the Sacrament and San Joaquin rivers, California. Environmental Science & Technology 41(22): 7645-7652.
Chow AT, Tanji KK, Gao S, and Dahlgren RA (2006) Temperature, water content, and wet-dry cycle effects on DOC production and C mineralization in agricultural peat soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38(3): 477-488.

Honours and Awards

2023 Vice-Chancellor Professorship, CUHK
2019 Visiting Fellow – Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Switzerland
2015 Outstanding Associate Editor – Journal of Environmental Quality

Professional Activities


Member, American Chemical Society
Member, American Geophysical Union
Member, Soil Science Society of America & American Society of Agronomy
Member, International Water Association
Technical Editor, Journal of Environmental Quality
Associate Editor, Water Research X


Scuba Diving Instructor, National Association of Underwater Instructors
Scientific Diver, University of California
Associate Editor, Soil Science Society of America Journal



EESC 3540 Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis, CUHK


FNR 8930/8931 Optical Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter, Clemson University
ESE 435 Water and Wastewater Treatment, South China University of Technology
CHEM 233 Organic Chemistry, San Francisco State University

College Affiliation in CUHK

United College

Selected Recent Publications

  • Magliozzi LJ, Matiasek SJ, Alpers CN, Korak JA, McKnight D, Foster AL, Ryan JN, Roth DA, Ku P, Tsui MTK, Chow AT, and Webster JP (2024). Wildland-urban interface wildfire increases metal contributions to stormwater runoff in Paradise, California. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 26: 667-685.
  • Bruce TJ, Trettin CC, Noel ZA, Chow AT, Warden K, Roghair C, and Farmer TM (2023) A case study of epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) caused by Aphanomyces invadans in eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) from the headwaters of Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. Journal of Fish Diseases. 47: e13895.
  • Seyfried GS, Chow AT, and O’Halloran TL (2023) Salinization, inundation and tree morality interact to affect greenhouse gas emissions from stressed coastal forests. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 184: 109101.

Review Articles

  • Ullah R, Tsui MTS, Chow AT, Chen H, Clinton W, Ligaba-Osena A (2023) Micro(nano)plastic pollution in terrestrial ecosystem: emphasis on impacts of polystyrene on soil biota, plants, animals, and humans. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195: 252.
  • Chow AT, Ulus Y, Huang GC, Kline MA, Cheah WY (2022) Challenges in quantifying and characterizing dissolved organic carbon – Sampling, isolation, storage, and analysis.  Journal of Environmental Quality 51(5): 837-871 [Invited Review Paper]

Research Grants

  • Designing smart floating wetlands to optimize ecosystem services for Hong Kong urban environment. Environmental and Conservation Fund (2023 – 2025). 151/2023. Total $500,000 HKD
  • How do wildfire and post-fire precipitation influence fate and transport of pyrogenic organic carbon and nitrogen in terrestrial-aquatic interfaces? US Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Large-Scale Research (2023 – 2025), 60792, In-kind value of Support: $100,000 USD.
  • Understand natural hazards: From Peer reviewed publications to animated videos in social media. CUHK Knowledge Transfer Project Fund, $395,000 HKD.

More Profile to Explore

Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. Nicholas Irabor ADIMAH
PhD (2023)
WANG Hongru
PhD (2022)
HU Yukai
PhD (2024)
QIN Yuxin