Prof. YANG Hongfeng 楊宏峰
Room 319, 3/F, Mong Man Wai Building
3943 9824

2010 | Ph.D. Seismology | Saint Louis University |
2003 | M.S. Geophysics | University of Science and Technology of China |
2000 | B.S. Geophysics | University of Science and Technology of China |
Academic Employments
2024 - present | Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
2020 – 2024 | Associate Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
2014 – 2020 | Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
2013 – 2014 | Research Scientist, Georgia Institute of Technology |
2010 – 2013 | Postdoctoral Investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
Research Fields and Current Research Interests
- Earthquake Seismology
- Earthquake Source Physics
- Human Induced earthquakes and Energy Demand
- High-resolution imaging of crustal fault zone structure
- Subduction zone exploration using Ocean Bottom Seismograph data
Representative Publications
2025 | Yao, S.#, and H. Yang∗ (2025), Rupture phase reveals geometry-controlled rupture propagation in a natural earthquake, Science Advances, doi:10.1126/sciadv.adq0154 |
2023 | Yang, Y., H. Yang, and J. Zi (2023), Stress Transfer Outpaces Injection-Induced Aseismic Slip and Triggers Seismicity, Scientific Reports, 13, 16626, |
2022 | Chen, H., H. Yang*, G. Zhu, M. Xu, J. Lin, and Q. You (2022), Deep outer-rise faults in the Southern Mariana Subduction Zone indicated by a machine-learning-based high-resolution earthquake catalog, Geophys. Res. Lett., |
2019 | Yang, H., S. Yao, B. He, and A. Newman (2019), Earthquake rupture dependence on hypocentral location along the Nicoya Peninsula subduction megathrust, Earth Plane. Sci. Lett., 520, p.10-17, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2019.05.030 |
2010 | Yang, H., and L. Zhu (2010), Shallow low-velocity zone of the San Jacinto fault from local earthquake waveform modeling, Geophys. J. Int., 183(1), 421-432, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04744.x. |
2009 | Yang, H., L. Zhu, and R. Chu (2009), Fault-Plane Determination of the 18 April 2008 Mt. Carmel, Illinois, Earthquake by Detecting and Relocating Aftershocks, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 99(6), 3413-3420, doi: 10.1785/0120090038. |
Honours and Awards
2024 | Top 2% citation list published by Elsevier and Stanford University |
2020-2024 | Outstanding Editorial Service, Earthquake Science |
2023 | High Citation Paper, CNKI |
2023 | Outstanding Editorial Service, Earth and Planetary Physics |
2023 | Innovative Exploration Award of Dense Array, CGS-Continental Dynamics |
2022 | Exemplary Teaching Award, Faculty of Science, CUHK |
2021 | Outstanding Associate Editor, Earthquake Research Advances |
2021 | Grand Prize of Ocean Science and Technology, Chinese Society for Oceanography |
2018 | Fuchengyi Young Scientist Award, Chinese Geophysical Union |
2017 | Editors Citation for Excellence in Refereeing-Geophysical Research Letters |
Professional Activities
Editor: Earthquake Science |
Associate Editor: Seismological Research Letters, Earthquake Research Advances |
Editorial Board: Tectonophysics, 地球物理学报 |
Member of American Geophysical Union, Seismological Society of America, European Geosciences Union, China Geophysical Union, Seismological Society of China |
Guest Associate Editor: Earth and Planetary Physics |
EESC 4180/EASC 5180 Earthquake Source Physics EESC 4140/EASC 5140 Seismology EESC 3120 Physics of the Earth EESC 3130 Seismic Data Processing EESC 1001 Exploring the Earth System |
ESSC 3010 Continuum Mechanics, 2017 ESSC 4510/EASC 5510 Statistical Method and Data Analysis, 2015-2019 |
Short Courses
Earthquake Source Mechanics, 2020-2022, University of Science and Technology of China Earthquake Physics, 2015-2018, Peking University |
College Affiliation in CUHK
New Asia College
Selected Recent Publications
Please check here for full list of publications.
Review Articles
- Yang, H.*, S. Yao#, and X. Chen# (2022), Rupture propagation on heterogeneous fault: challenges for predicting earthquake magnitude, Chin. Sci. Bull., in Chinese, doi: 10.1360/TB-2021-1086
- Yang, H.∗, Y. Duan†, J. Song†, W. Wang, W. Yang, X. Tian, and B. Wang (2021), Illuminating high-resolution crustal fault zones and temporal changes using multi-scale dense arrays and airgun source, Earthquake Res. Adv., v.1, no.1, doi:10.1016/j.eqrea.2021.100001
- Yang, H.∗ and S. Yao† (2021), Shallow destructive earthquakes, Earthquake Science, v.34, no.1, doi:10.29382/eqs-2020-0072
- Yang, H. (2015), Recent advances in imaging crustal fault zones: a review, Earthquake Science, Vol.28 (2), p.151-162, doi:10.1007/s11589-015-0114-3
Research Grants
- PI, RGC Procore-France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, Earthquake Risks along the Anninghe Fault Zone, China, 02/2024-01/2025
- PI, General Research Fund 2023/24, Near-field ground motion prediction from dynamic rupture simulations and validation of strong earthquakes in western China, 01/10/2023-30/09/2026
- PI, General Research Fund 2022/23, Foreshocks and subsurface changes prior to strong earthquakes in western Yunnan, China, 01/10/2022-30/09/2025
- PI, General Research Fund 2021/22, Investigating fault zone structure and earthquakes in the Weiyuan shale gas field, Sichuan, China, 01/10/2021-30/09/2024
- PI, General Research Fund 2020/21, Investigation of seismic structure and outer-rise faulting at the southernmost Mariana subduction zone, 01/10/2020-30/09/2023
- PI, RGC Germany/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme 2019/20, Investigating earthquakes induced by hydraulic fracturing of shale gas field in southern Sichuan, China, 04/2020-03/2021
- PI, General Research Fund 2019/20, Modeling rupture segmentation and tsunamigenic rupture scenarios along the Cascadia megathrust, 01/10/2019-30/09/2022
- PI, General Research Fund 2018/19, Inferring frictional properties on seismogenic faults from kinematic and dynamic earthquake source modeling, 01/01/2019-31/12/2021
- PI, General Research Fund 2017/18, Investigation of fault zone structure and evolution from waveforms recorded at a dense seismic network, 01/07/2018-30/06/2021
- PI, General Research Fund 2016/17, Investigation of shallow seismogenesis on the southern Mariana megathrust, 01/01/2017-31/12/2019
- PI, RGC/NSFC Joint Scheme Fund 2016/17, Source characteristics of induced earthquakes associated with shale gas production in Weiyuan, Sichuan, 01/01/2017-31/12/2020
- PI, Early Career Scheme 2015/16, Dynamic Controls on Megathrust Slip: Details from the Nicoya 2012 Earthquake, 01/01/2016-31/12/2018
- Co-PI, RGC/NSFC Joint Scheme Fund 2015/16, Investigation of characteristics and mechanism of earthquakes associated with the Hutubi gas reservoir, 01/01/2016-31/12/2019
Non-RGC grants
- PI, Center for Ocean Research in Hong Kong and Macau (CORE), 03/2022-02/2023
- PI, Key Program Fund, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Investigations of earthquakes in the Weiyuan shale gas field, Sichuan, based on dense array and machine learning methods, 01/2022-12/2025
- PI, Open Fund of Joint Laboratory of Earthquake Forecasting, China Earthquake Administration, Investigate ruptures of strong earthquakes along the Anninghe fault through numerical simulations, 09/2021-09/2023
- PI, Open Fund of State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics, Imaging fine structure of the Anninghe fault zone, 09/2021-09/2024
- Co-I, Ministry of Education of Singapore, New Constraints on Fault Geometry and Rupture Propagation of Mega-earthquakes, 01/2020-01/2023
- PI, China Earthquake Experiment Site Research Fund 2019/20, Investigating temporal changes of the southern Chenghai fault zone by Binchuan airgun, 05/2019-12/2020
- PI, China Earthquake Experiment Site Committee Fund 2018, Models of large and cascading earthquake ruptures, 01/01/2019-01/06/2019
- PI, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Major Research Fund 2018/19, Waveform modelling and imaging of fine structures of fault zones, 01/12/2018-31/12/2021
- PI, China Earthquake Experiment Site Research Fund 2017/18, High-resolution fault zone structure and temporal changes of the Chenghai fault inferred from waveforms recorded at a dense seismic array, 01/07/2017-01/07/2018
- PI, China Earthquake Experiment Site Research Fund 2017/18, Numerical modelling of earthquake cycles on the Xiaojinhe and Xianshuihe faults, 01/07/2017-01/07/2018
- Co-I, Guangdong Natural Science Research Fund 2017, Geophysical investigation and modeling on mechanisms of continental breakup of the central and northern margin of the South China Sea, 01/05/2017-01/05/2022
- PI, State Key Lab of Earthquake Dynamics Open Research Fund 2017, Dynamic mechanism of source scaling of earthquakes, 08/2017-07/2020
- PI, UoM-CUHK Research Fund 2016, Seismicity induced by underground injection and extraction of natural gas, 01/06/2016-30/11/2017