Prof. ZHAN Yan

Prof. ZHAN Yan 詹彦

Ng Yin Ying Assistant Professor of Geophysics

Room 321, 3/F, Mong Man Wai Building
3943 9327
Prof. ZHAN Yan


2020 Ph.D. Geology University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2015 M.S. Structural Geology Peking University
2012 B.S. Geochemistry Peking University

Academic Employments

2022 – present Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2020 – 2022 Postdoctoral Fellow, Earth and Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for Science
2018 – 2020 NASA Graduate Student Fellow, Department of Geology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2016 – 2018 Research Assistant, Department of Geology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Research Fields and Current Research Interests

  • Lithospheric Deformation 
  • Volcano Geophysics 
  • Dynamics of Magma 
  • Numerical Modeling of Crustal Processes 
  • Data Assimilation in Geoscience 

See for more details 

Representative Publications

2022 Zhan, Y., Roman, D. C., Le Mével, H., & Power, J. A. (2022). Earthquakes Indicated Stress Field Change During the 2006 Unrest of Augustine Volcano, Alaska. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(10).
2022 Zhan, Y., Le Mével, H., Roman, D. C., Girona, T., & Gregg, P. M. (2022). Modeling deformation, seismicity, and thermal anomalies driven by degassing during the 2005-2006 pre-eruptive unrest of Augustine Volcano, Alaska. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 585, 117524.
2021 Zhan, Y., Gregg, P. M., Lu, Z. (2021) Modeling magma system evolution during 2006‐2007 volcanic unrest of Atka volcanic center, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126, e2020JB020158.
2019 Zhan Y., Gregg, P. M., Le Mével, H., Miller, C. A. and Cardona C. (2019) Integrating Reservoir Dynamics, Crustal Stress, and Geophysical Observations of the Laguna del Maule Magmatic System by FEM Models and Data Assimilation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124, 13547–13562.
2019 Zhan, Y. and Gregg, P. M. (2019) How Accurately Can We Model Magma Reservoir Failure with Uncertainties in Host Rock Rheology? Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124, 8030–8042.

Honours and Awards

2020 Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellowship, Carnegie Institution for Science
2019 R. James Kirkpatrick Award for Outstanding Graduate Research in Geology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois
2018 NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF)
2016 US Student NASA Funding for Goldschmidt 2016
2015 Geology Department Ph.D. Fellowship, University of Illinois

Professional Activities


Journal reviewer for Nature Communication, JGR, JVGR, and G-cube.
Primary Convener for the AGU 2021 Fall Meeting: (V28) Understanding shallow volcanic unrest using physics-based modeling constrained by geophysical datasets


2020 Chair of the Annual Research Review, School of Earth, Society, & Environment, University of Illinois



Solid Earth Dynamics (EESC2010)

Rock Mechanics & Its Application (EESC4040)

Geodynamics (EESC4170/5170)

Geological Fieldtrip (EESC4119/EASC5709)

Structural Geology (EESC3100)

Statistical Analysis and Data Processing (EESC4510/EASC5510)

College Affiliation in CUHK

Lee Woo Sing College 

Selected Recent Publications

  • Crozier, J., Karlstrom, L., Montgomery-Brown, E., Angarita, M., Cayol, V., Bato, M.G., Wang, T.A., Grapenthin, R., Shreve, T., Anderson, K., Astort, A., Bodart, O., Cannavò, F., Currenti, G., Dabaghi, F., Erickson, B.A., Garg, D., Head, M., Iozzia, A., Kim, Y.C., Le Mével, H., Novoa Lizama, C., Rucker, C., Silverii, F., Trasatti, E., Zhan, Y., 2023. Understanding the drivers of volcano deformation through geodetic model verification and validation. Bull Volcanol 85, 74.
  • Shreve, T., Zhan, Y., Le Mével, H., Roman, D., Moussallam, Y., 2023. Two Distinct Magma Storage Regions at Ambrym Volcano Detected by Satellite Geodesy. Geophysical Research Letters 50, e2023GL102925.
  • Zhan, Y., Roman, D.C., Le Mével, H., Power, J.A., 2022b. Earthquakes Indicated Stress Field Change During the 2006 Unrest of Augustine Volcano, Alaska. Geophysical Research Letters 49.
  • Zhan, Y., Le Mével, H., Roman, D.C., Girona, T., Gregg, P.M., 2022a. Modeling deformation, seismicity, and thermal anomalies driven by degassing during the 2005-2006 pre-eruptive unrest of Augustine Volcano, Alaska. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 585, 117524.
  • Romano, V., Gregg, P.M., Zhan, Y., Fornari, D.J., Perfit, M.R., Wanless, D., Battaglia, M., Anderson, M., 2022. The formation of the 8˚20’ N seamount chain, east pacific rise. Mar Geophys Res 43, 42.
  • Lucas, L.C., Albright, J.A., Gregg, P.M., Zhan, Y., 2022. The Impact of Ice Caps on the Mechanical Stability of Magmatic Systems: Implications for Forecasting on Human Timescales. Frontiers in Earth Science 10.
  • Gregg, P.M., Zhan, Y., Amelung, F., Geist, D., Mothes, P., Koric, S., Yunjun, Z., 2022. Forecasting mechanical failure and the 26 June 2018 eruption of Sierra Negra Volcano, Galápagos, Ecuador. Sci. Adv. 8, eabm4261.
  • Zhan, Y., Gregg, P.M., Lu, Z., 2021. Modeling Magma System Evolution During 2006–2007 Volcanic Unrest of Atka Volcanic Center, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126, e2020JB020158.
  • Lev, E., Hamilton, C.W., Voigt, J.R.C., Stadermann, A.C., Zhan, Y., Neish, C.D., 2021. Emplacement conditions of lunar impact melt flows. Icarus 369, 114578.
  • Zhan, Y., Gregg, P.M., Mével, H.L., Miller, C.A., Cardona, C., 2019. Integrating Reservoir Dynamics, Crustal Stress, and Geophysical Observations of the Laguna del Maule Magmatic System by FEM Models and Data Assimilation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124, 13547–13562.
  • Zhan, Y., Gregg, P.M., 2019. How Accurately Can We Model Magma Reservoir Failure With Uncertainties in Host Rock Rheology? Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124, 8030–8042.
  • Gregg, P.M., Le Mével, H., Zhan, Y., Dufek, J., Geist, D., Chadwick Jr., W.W., 2018. Stress Triggering of the 2005 Eruption of Sierra Negra Volcano, Galápagos. Geophysical Research Letters 45, 13,288-13,297.
  • Zhan, Y., Gregg, P.M., Chaussard, E., Aoki, Y., 2017. Sequential Assimilation of Volcanic Monitoring Data to Quantify Eruption Potential: Application to Kerinci Volcano, Sumatra. Front. Earth Sci. 5.
  • Zhan, Y., Gregg, P.M., 2017. Data assimilation strategies for volcano geodesy. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Volcano Geodesy: Recent developments and future challenges 344, 13–25.
  • Zhan, Y., Hou, G., Kusky, T., Gregg, P.M., 2016. Stress development in heterogenetic lithosphere: Insights into earthquake processes in the New Madrid Seismic Zone. Tectonophysics 671, 56–62.
  • Zhan, Y., Hou, G., Hari, K.R., Shu, W., 2015. Geochemical and isotopic constraints on the evolution of Late Paleozoic dyke swarms in West Junggar, Xinjiang, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 113, 126–136.
  • Zhan, Y., Hou, G., Sun, X., Ju, W., Shen, Y., Zhao, W., Ren, K., Zhang, P., 2014. Quantitative Prediction of Tectonic Fractures of Jurassic Sandstones in the Eastern Kuche Depression. Geological Journal of China Universities 20, 294–302.

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